Latest Daily Words
Allowing support
You deserve to be supported by loving people who will support your dreams, accept you as you are, and tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it. This may or may not be your family. It may not be some of your current friends. Seek out people who have your best interests at heart. Be willing to listen to their insights. Most importantly really let in how much they believe in you. You do not have to remove people from your life, but you don’t have to tell your dreams to everyone. You do not have to let go of those who don’t look at life the same way you do, but you can decide who you ask for advice. As you attract true support from people you choose to have in your life, you are truly allowing the Universe to love and support you.
Connecting the Heart
You are one with Life. Because you are one with Life, you are one with all people. Because you are one with all people, you are connected to each person you meet today. Every person is a part of the One, so every person is you and you are everyone. Stop. Make eye contact. Let your light and connection build a bridge across the sense of separation that lies between two physical bodies, two ways of seeing the world, two viewpoints, or two cultures. While we celebrate our differences we affirm our oneness. While we may not see things the same way, we affirm we are connected at the heart. Let your heartbeat be the heartbeat of the world. May you be a blessing to everyone you speak to today.
Creating a Life
You are not here to have a job. Your life isn’t just about making a living. You are here to live, create, express, and give your gifts. It is a powerful and insightful practice to ask yourself “If I knew I only had a year to live while being perfectly healthy, what would I spend my time on?” This does not mean you have to go out and quit your job tomorrow. But it may help bring into focus things that are as important to you as making money. When you find yourself dreaming about traveling or creating art or spending more time with the family, these are indications about what would make your life more fulfilling. When you find yourself imagining working in a non-profit, supporting your spiritual community, or helping care for the planet, ways you’d like to make a more meaningful contribution are being illuminated. Take all these insights and commit to adding a little bit of each of these things to your life. Gradually you will discover you aren’t just making a living, you are creating a purposeful, fulfilling life.
Divine Love
You are surrounded by and immersed in an ocean of Divine Love. It is the source of your being and the core of the life that is YOU. Love is not something you need to get – it is already here. The best way to feel the love is to be love and give love – to a child, a pet, your partner or a friend. Then begin to extend that love out to those around you. See them with soft, compassionate eyes. Then notice how life supports life in the nest and the cave and the burrow. This impulse for life is Divine Love nurturing and caring for creation. It is nurturing and caring for your life, as you, as powerfully as it is nurturing and caring for all Life. It is the Love that flows back to you as the Life that is seeking to live AS you. Now you receive that love as easily as you share it. And the circle is complete. Now there is undivided Divine Love and YOU are its center.
Ride the Wave – Navega la ola
Life is like the ocean. A deep source of richness across which the waves of life are constantly moving. The waves roll across the ocean, made of the ocean, yet forever changing. Sometimes the waves are gentle and slowly roll by. Sometimes they are whipped into a frenzy of white caps and even towering monsters. No matter how big the waves get, they won’t last forever. You can fear the waves, try to stop the waves, curse the waves, plead with the waves, succumb to the waves OR you can decide to ride them. Ride the waves by learning to understand them, coming to trust yourself, and ultimately to rely on the ocean. Riding the waves of life can definitely be challenging, but once you get the hang of it, it’s totally exhilarating!
La vida es como el océano. Una fuente profunda de riquezas a través de las olas de la vida la cual se mueve constantemente. Las olas se desplazan en el océano, hacen el océano, y están siempre cambiando. A veces las olas son suaves y su oleaje es lento. A veces se muestran calmadas y otras veces se muestran como grandes monstruos. No importa qué tan grandes sean, no permanecerán así para siempre. Tú puedes temerle a las olas, tratar de pararlas, maldecirlas, alegar, rendirte a ellas; o puedes decidir el navegarlas. Navega las olas aprendiendo a entenderlas, creyendo en ti mismo, y por último confiando en el océano. El navegar las olas de la vida definitivamente puede ser retador, pero una vez que lo logras, es totalmente estimulante!
Effort without Struggle – Esfuezo sin lucha
Achieving a dream requires diligence, perseverance, learning and a can-do attitude. You may even sweat along the way but there is no need to suffer or struggle. Suffering comes from wanting the path to be different than it is. The struggle comes from focusing on how hard seems to be. Some of the steps may be challenging but staying clear about the destination pulls you through them. Consistently applying sustained effort keeps you moving. Staying focused on what you have to be grateful for lifts your spirits. Keep focused on the possible, not the impossible, and you will wake up one morning in the middle of experiencing your dream coming true.
El lograr un sueño requiere de diligencia, perseverancia, aprendizaje, y una actitud del yo-puedo. Puede que sudes durante el camino pero no hay necesidad de sufrir o luchar. El sufrir viene del querer que el camino sea diferente de lo que es. La lucha viene del enfocarse en lo duro que se ve. Algunos de estos pasos pueden ser retadores, pero estando claros acerca del destino, te lleva por encima de ellos. El aplicar un esfuerzo consistente hace que te muevas. El enfocarse por lo que puedes estar agradecido eleva tu espíritu. Continúa tu concentración en lo posible, no en lo imposible, y una mañana despertarás en medio de estar experimentando tu sueño hecho realidad.
Failure is a part of achieving success
“Life is fundamentally a matter of growing, a growth experience. Missing the mark is one of the ways in which we learn to hit the target. Failure is a vital part of achieving success. We have erroneously thought of success as “getting there,” while actually success is “earning the right to be there.” And earning means learning. Setbacks, even failures, may be an important part of that learning.
“A helpful affirmation is: I am God’s living enterprise, and God cannot fail. There can be no failure in God. Any appearance of failure is in consciousness, a frustration of the creative potential. No matter what your job or your chosen career, your true business is the “express business,” the business of releasing your imprisoned splendor. Infinite Mind will always regulate your affairs so that you have an adequate job in which to “sing your song” or express your potential. If the job becomes inadequate, if you keep yourself in tune with the creative flow, either the job will change or you will be moved to another job. Nothing can impede the flow of affluence and success to one who keeps one’s self in tune.”
Excerpts from “Spiritual Economics” by Eric Butterworth
Finding trust in the midst of a challenge
You may be facing a challenge today – with people, at work or home, or in unexpected circumstances. First, feel your feelings – be mad or sad or upset – but don’t let your thoughts swirl into a story of victim or blame, fear or negativity. This is not the time to panic, fight, or curl into a ball. This is the time to hunker down in your deepest faith – that the Universe is always moving with Love, for Life; that somehow good must come of it, even if you don’t have a clue what that could possibly be. Dare to make your claim, even your demand, on the Law, for healing, for Divine Right Action, and for Perfect Outcome. Declare that you are guided by Intuition in every circumstances and decision. Take each step forward with a commitment to stay spiritually grounded, centered in yourself, trusting in the spiritual principles you’ve learned. You will make it through. And there will be great good on the other side – today, next week, next month or maybe not till next year – but it will absolutely be there. You can trust in that.
You define prosperity – Tu defines prosperidad
Prosperity and an abundant life are your birthright but you get to define what that means and how that looks. For some, it’s a big house in which to gather as a family while for another it’s a tiny cabin in the woods in which to be alone. Do not be afraid to declare and claim that you are prosperous and financially free. You are a spiritually grounded, maturing being, so the more prosperity you have the more life you can express and the more good you can do in the world. Release your vow of poverty – that it is somehow more spiritual to be poor. Think of what a philanthropist you could be or how many spiritually grounded businesses you could create if you were to accept the abundance and prosperity of the Universe. It’s only if we cling to our money and things as status symbols or the means of our security that our prosperity keeps us locked out of our spiritual awareness. The Divine Life is our status and the Universal Law is our security. When you know this, your prosperity is as natural as breathing and your abundance flows to you and through you creating greater good in the world.
Prosperidad y una vida abundante son tu derecho de nacimiento, pero tú defines su significado y cómo luce. Para algunos es una casa grande en la cual se reúnen en familia, mientras que para otro es una pequeña cabaña en el bosque para estar solo. No temas a declarar y a decretar que eres próspero y libre financieramente. Tú eres un ser cimentado espiritualmente y maduro, así que entre más prosperidad tengas, más vida puedes expresar, y más bien puedes hacer en el mundo. Desecha tu voto de pobreza – de que es más espiritual el ser pobre. Piensa en el filántropo que pudieras ser y cuantos negocios bien fundados espiritualmente podrías crear si aceptaras la abundancia y prosperidad del Universo. Es solo si nos apegamos a nuestro dinero y a cosas como un símbolo de posición social, o la razón de nuestra seguridad, lo cual nos mantiene bloqueados de nuestro despertar espiritual. La Vida Divina es nuestra posición y la Ley Universal es nuestra seguridad. Cuando sepas esto, tu prosperidad es tan natural como el respirar y tu abundancia fluye hacia ti y sobre ti creando bienestar en el mundo.
Intention + Allowing = Manifestation / Intención + Permitir = Resultado
You can manifest that thing you’ve always wanted to do, become, experience or have. First – set the intention. This means truly knowing what you want. Sometimes this is very specific and you are very clear on the form – this kind of job or this kind of company or even this job at this company. Other times the form is less important and it’s more about the quality of experience or life you want to achieve – financial freedom to travel. Whether specific or general, your intention lets the Universe know your direction and where you want to end up. Without this, the Universal Law and Power has no idea where to do its work.
Second – let the Law do its work. Your job is only the what, not the how. Release the need for certainty, figuring it out, or trying to “make it happen.” Your intention is providing the certainty and the Law is making it happen. Allow yourself to be moved, led, guided as you move in the direction you’ve set. Allow doors to close and unexpected windows to open with perfect confidence that you are on the path. Let yourself try things out, experiment and explore knowing that you are absolutely supported by the Intelligence of the Creative Process that is unfolding the entire infinite universe. Surely if it can do that, It can figure out how to get you from where you are to wherever you want to go.
Your Intention + Allowing Its Intelligence = Joyous Manifestation.
Tú puedes manifestar eso que siempre has querido hacer, ser, experimentar o tener. Primero – Decretas tu intención. Esto significa el saber realmente lo que quieres. A veces es muy específico y estás claro en la forma – por ejemplo, este tipo de trabajo, o este tipo de compañía, o incluso este trabajo en esta compañía. Otras veces la forma no es tan importante y es más acerca de la calidad en la experiencia o el tipo de vida que quieres adquirir – libertad financiera para viajar. Ya sea específica o general, tu intención le deja saber al Universo tu dirección y el donde quieres llegar. Sin esto, la Ley Universal y el Poder no tiene idea en donde hacer su trabajo.
Segundo – deja que la Ley haga su trabajo. Tu trabajo es solo el que, no el como. Deja ir la necesidad de tener certeza, de averiguar, o tratar de “hacer que las cosas pasen”. Tú intención es proveer la certeza y la de la Ley es crearla. Permítete el ser movido, dirigido, guiado a medida que te mueves el la dirección que has decretado. Permite que puertas se cierren y ventanas inesperadas se abran en completa confianza de que estás en el camino correcto. Date la oportunidad de probar nuevas cosas, experimentar, y explorar sabiendo que estás completamente apoyado por la Inteligencia del Proceso Creativo el cual se despliega en el Universo entero e Infinito. Y si el Universo realmente puede hacer esto, claro que puede crear el como llevarte de donde estás ahora hacia dónde quieres llegar.
Tu intención + Permitir su Inteligencia = Manifestación Feliz
Rhythm and Beauty = Harmony
Divine Harmony is the balance and equilibrium of an orderly Universe. Chaos theory and quantum science show us that even in chaos there is an underlying order and structure that is creating the container for Life to organically unfold. This underlying structure, understood as the rhythm of life, is absolutely reliable – the turning of the seasons, the experience of life and death and rebirth, the cycle of seed to plant to flower to fruit to seed, the droplet of rain which meanders through creeks and streams and rivers back to the ocean and evaporates again into rain clouds. There is a natural beauty to this rhythm which is often called the harmony of the celestial song.
This Divine Harmony is present in your life as well. Surround yourself with things of beauty, find the rhythm of work and rest, create an orderly home – these are all parts of the container of harmony in which your life spontaneously and organically unfolds. There is a season for every activity and a reason for every relationship. There is a time for an all-out push for manifestation and a time to reap the harvest of your work. There is a time for creating something new and a time for letting things lie fallow. Relax into the Divine Harmony and the beauty and rhythm of life will carry you wherever you are going.
Spring comes slowly but surely – La Primavera llega lentamente pero lo hace
Nature provides some of the best metaphors for life. Take spring. It comes at different times to different latitudes. This reminds us to have compassion for ourselves and others as we grow, personally and spiritually, at our own pace and in our own time. As the weather softens certain flowers start to bloom even though there will still be frosts and possibly snow. These flowers are hardy and prepared to withstand the fluctuating temperatures. Yet they are harbingers of the news that winter is, in fact, coming to an end. We, too, are strong enough to withstand the fluctuating experience of our growth. One minute we know our divinity and the next moment we forget only to remember again. One day we are able to respond with equanimity and love while the next we are back to our old tricks. The good news is that every day we spend awakened, no matter the fluctuations of our ability to stay present, is a harbinger of the joyous spring that is coming. So don’t be afraid to bloom, even if the weather isn’t perfect. Don’t be afraid to claim light, even if you are not always living it. Don’t be afraid to celebrate every moment that you are awake to the Truth of who you are and of Life Itself. Your awakening may come slowly, but it comes as surely as the spring.
La naturaleza provee algunas de las mejores metáforas de la vida. Por ejemplo, la primavera. Esta llega en tiempos diferentes en latitudes diferentes. Esto nos hace recordar el tener compasión por nosotros y por otros a medida que crecemos. Cuando el clima cambia ciertas flores empiezan a florecer así haya heladas y posibilidad de nieve. Estas flores son resistentes y están preparadas para soportar temperaturas fluctuantes. Por supuesto, estas anuncian la noticia de que el invierno está terminando. También nosotros somos lo suficientemente fuertes para resistir experiencias fluctuantes de nuestro crecimiento. En un momento sabemos de nuestra Divinidad y en otro lo olvidamos, pero solo para recordarlo nuevamente. Un día somos capaces de responder con ecuanimidad y amor, mientras otros volvemos a nuestros viejos trucos. La buena noticia a todo esto es que cada día que pasamos alertos, no importando nuestra habilidad de estar en el presente, hay una manera de anunciar que la primavera está por llegar. Así que no tengas miedo a florecer, aunque el clima no sea el perfecto. No temas a decretar luz, asi no siempre vivas en ella. Que no te de miedo el celebrar cada momento que estas despierto a la Verdad de quien tu eres y a la Vida misma. Tu despertar puede que llegue lentamente, pero llega, así como lo hace la primavera.
Prosperity and Success – Prosperidad y Éxito
Abundance is your birthright. Your prosperity and success are the demonstrations of the abundance you welcome in, claim, and work toward. Claim your success. See yourself actively engaged in what you are creating and become a success in your mind and heart. Do every activity and aspect of your work in joyful anticipation of success. Welcome in everything that comes with success, let your light shine! Prosperity and Success are as much your birthrights. So go for it! The Universe is already, always supporting you!
La abundancia es tu derecho de nacer. Tu prosperidad y éxito son las demostraciones de abundancia que tú permites, decretas, y trabajas para ello. Decreta tu éxito. Vete a ti mismo activamente comprometido en lo que estás creando, y conviértete en ese éxito en tu mente y en tu corazón. Has cada actividad y aspecto de tu trabajo con alegría anticipada al éxito. Dale la bienvenida a todo lo que llega con éxito, deja brillar tu luz! La Prosperidad y el Éxito son tu derecho de nacer. Así que adelante! El Universo está listo, siempre apoyándote.
You are included… – Tú estás incluido…
You are precious to Life. You are a beautiful expression of Love. You are an outlet for creativity like no one else. You are blessed as you are. You are a blessing wherever you go. You cannot be denied or excluded from the Divine Presence. Your expression of personhood is beloved by the One, for it is unique and perfect for you. You may be belittled, ridiculed, or shamed for your sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, disabilities, socio-economic status, gender, or for your passion, hopes, and dreams, by those who see through a veil of their own making, but none of that is true. Only Love and Light emanate from the heart of the One, Infinite, Divine Life. And in that, you are absolutely included. Never doubt that you belong, in life, to Life!
Tú eres precioso para la Vida. Tú eres una bella expresión de Amor. Tú eres un desagüe de creatividad como nadie más. Tú eres bendecido exactamente como eres. Tú eres una bendición a donde quiera que vallas. Tú no puedes ser negado o excluido de la Presencia Divina. Tú expresión como persona es amada por el UNO (ser supremo), porque es único y perfecto para el. Puede que seas menospreciado, ridiculizado, o avergonzado for tu orientación sexual, raza, nacionalidad, discapacidades, estatus socio económico, sexo, o por tus pasiones, esperanzas y sueños; por aquellos que ven solo por su propio filtro; pero nada de esto es verdad. Solo Amor y Luz emanan desde el corazón del Uno, del Infinito, de la Vida Divina y tú estás absolutamente incluido. Nunca dudes que tú perteneces, en la vida y hacia la Vida!
It’s all One, It’s all Consciousness – Todo es Uno, todo es conciencia
From Hinduism “Consciousness sleeps in the rocks, wave in the grass, moves in the animals, and awakens in the human being.”
From Ernest Holmes “What you are looking for, you are looking with, and looking at.”
Everything is part of the Whole, of Consciousness. You don’t have to look for it, seek it, connect to it, or have a relationship with it. YOU ARE IT. You don’t have to go to a higher realm, discover your higher self, hope to meet celestial beings. or find an esoteric mystery. YOU are already It and It is already being YOU. The Light is everywhere and it is the Light that you are. This is the ultimate paradox, You are the Universal Individualized. You are the Divine as human. You are the ONE as an aspect of Itself awakening to Itself. The more you embrace this idea the more you remember yourself. The more you experience the One, the more you pierce the veil of separation yet never lose yourself. YOU are the ONE, Consciousness, awakening. Wake up to yourself. It’s all Consciousness.
Del Hinduismo “La conciencia duerme en las rocas, ondea en el pasto, se mueve en los animales, y despierta en el ser humano”
De Ernest Holmes “Lo que estás buscando, lo ves con, y lo estás viendo”
Todo es parte del Todo de la Conciencia. No debes de buscarla, pedirla, conectarte a ella, o tener una relación con ella. TU LO ERES. No debes de ir a un estado más alto, descubrir tu yo superior, o esperar a conocer seres celestiales, o es contar un misterio esotérico. TU ya lo eres, y está siendo TU. La Luz está en todas partes y es la Luz que tú ya eres. Esta es la paradoja fundamental. Tú eres una individualización de lo Universal. Tú eres la Divinidad como humano. Tú eres el UNO como un aspecto del Mismo despertando al Mismo. Entre más aportes esta idea más lo recordarás. Entre más tengas tu experiencia con el UNO, más atraviesas el manto de la separación para que no te pierdas a ti mismo. TU eres el UNO, Conciencia, despertar. Despierta a tu mismo ser. Todo es Conciencia.