Current EventsYou will find belonging and connection here in our tight-knit community that loves to deeply engage with each other.
Circles of Life offer unique opportunities to gather with people just like you that meet monthly.
Sanghas are a home based groups of folks that want to be in regular spiritual, personal and emotional support with each other. Find more information below.
Home Study Groups use CSLDallas study guides to share and grow in intimate, authentic connection. Online or in–person.
Find your circle in our tribe!
Circles of Life
In-Powered Living Circle
Gratitude Circle
Sustainability Circle
Book Club
Men’s Circle
Wisdom Circle
Soul Recovery Circle
Womens Circle of CSLDallas

What is A Sangha?
The term sangha comes from the Buddhist notion of a “community in spiritual practice together.”
At CSLDallas it is used to describe an intimate Zoom or neighborhood-based group focused on a collective spiritual practice of Spiritual Mind Treatment (guided affirmations/meditations) and mutual support. In our Sangha, we listen, accept, empower, support, and lift each other up to be the best that we can be!
A Sangha provides the synergy of group spiritual practice in a sacred container – one that is created, deepened, and richly experienced, together, over time. The discipline of regular communal practice strengthens and evolves our spiritual growth and understanding while increasing our connection with Spirit and each other. Your In Person or Online Sangha becomes the community to which you turn in times of need for support or for celebrating a TSRW (demonstration). Want to know what a TSRW is? Come and find out!
Our Sangha provides that place where we feel safe enough to share, and we do so deeply and honestly. This kind of community is one in which we feel empowered to be who we are and explore who we are becoming while getting support along the way. It is a community in which we know that the Truth of ourselves and others is greater than our history and habits.
Available In Person and Online

What is A Home Study Group?
These are in-person/online study groups that happen throughout the year. They are designed to get you familiar with the key concepts of the Science of Mind and to give you a safe container to practice these principles with small groups of spiritual seekers just like you. They are Free and consist of Hosts and Participants.
The Host volunteers their time to help facilitate the group meeting while CSLDallas provides the curriculum. We always encourage those who have gone through these free engagements to become a host at some point to help in contributing to learning, spiritual exploration, and to share with your friends and family globally.
For those who wish to go on a self-guided process, we also offer them as E-Courses so that you can experience the benefits of the teachings while working them into your schedule. Our aspiration is that at some point you will also join the groups and learn and practice together.
Each program includes:
- Online and in-person home study groups to connect and go deep.
- Videos and Workbook exclusively for members of a home study group.
- Inspirational Sunday music & messages to kick off each week’s exploration.
Every week you will:
- Participate in interactive exercises.
- Deepen through spiritual practice.
- Connect with authentic sharing.
- Experience your soul in a whole new way.
- Engage with your life in a more soulful manner.
Home Study Group Programs
For ongoing Home Study Groups, these meet monthly throughout the year to learn, grow and practice authentic spiritual living.
Our short-term Home Study Groups run from 5-8 weeks and are offered 3 times a year. These groups meet weekly and follow the videos and workbooks that are carefully created and provided to everyone. Each year, the programs have a different theme.
Step Out in Faith:
Our spring program focuses on the practical application of our spiritual principles and practices to everyday living.
Journey to Awakening:
The summer is devoted to raising consciousness, going deeper, and becoming more spiritually aware. TAKE THE E-COURSE
Adventures in Spirit:
In the fall we explore how well we harvest from Universal Abundance and are growing and sharing our prosperity.