Organization and Leadership

Purpose | Mission | Values


Radically Inclusive  I  Spiritually Progressive


Be a lovingly supportive COMMUNITY that celebrates diversity
TEACH & PRACTICE authentic spiritual living and Science of Mind
Provide SACRED CELEBRATIONS that uplift our spirit and deepen our soul
Ignite SELF-EXPRESSION and experience meaningful contribution
Demonstrate active COMPASSION to ourselves, each other, and the world
Intentionally PROMOTE our community and teachings

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Spirituality | Compassion | Enthusiasm | Empowerment | Respect | Communication | Accountability | Financial Health


Above all else, we want you to know that you are loved and lovable. You will learn this from our words and actions – the lessons on love are in how we treat each other and how we treat ourselves.

We want you to engage with the world from a place of worthiness. You will learn that you are worthy of love, belonging, and joy every time you see us practice self-compassion and embrace our own imperfections.

We will practice courage in our community by showing up, letting ourselves be seen, and honoring vulnerability. We will share our stories of struggle and strength. There will always be room in our hearts for both.

We will teach you compassion by practicing compassion with ourselves first; then with each other. We will set and respect boundaries; we will honor hard work, hope, and perseverance. Rest and play will be community values, as well as community practices.

You will learn accountability and respect by watching us make mistakes and make amends, and by watching how we ask for what we need and talk about how we feel.

We want you to know joy, so together we will practice gratitude.

We want you to feel joy, so together we will learn how to be vulnerable.

When uncertainty and scarcity visit, you will be able to draw from the Spiritual Truths that are a part of our everyday community life and practice.

Together we will cry and face fear and grief. We will want to take away your pain, but instead we will sit with you and teach you how to feel it.

We will laugh and sing and dance and create. We will always have permission to be ourselves with each other. No matter what, you will always belong here.

As you live your wholehearted journey, the greatest gift that we can give to you is to live and love with our whole heart and to dare greatly.

We will not teach or love or show you anything perfectly, but we will let you see us, and we will always hold sacred the gift of seeing you. Truly, deeply, seeing you.

Adapted from Brene Brown’s “The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto”


  • We envision all people, all beings, and all life as expressions of the ONE Life.
  • We see a world in which each and every person lives in alignment with their highest spiritual principle, emphasizing unity with Universal Spirit and connection with each other; a world in which individually and collectively we are called to a higher state of consciousness and action.
  • We envision humanity awakening to its spiritual magnificence and discovering the creative power of thought; a world where each and every person discovers their own personal power and ability to create an individual life that works within a world that works for everyone.
  • We envision a world in which we live and grow as One Global Family that respects and honors the interconnectedness of all life; a world where this kinship with all life prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience

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  • We envision a world where personal responsibility joins with social conscience in every area of the political, corporate, academic, and social sectors, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness.
  • We envision a world where each and every person has enough food, a home and a sense of belonging; a world of peace and harmony, enfranchisement and justice.
  • We envision a world in which resources are valued, cared for, and grown, and where there is generous and continuous sharing of these resources.
  • We envision a worldwide culture in which forgiveness (whether for errors, injustices, or debts) is the norm.
  • We envision a world which has renewed its emphasis on beauty, nature, and love through the resurgence of creativity, art, and aesthetics.
  • We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.

CSLDallas is part of a global community of over 400 spiritual centers, communities, and ministries in 30 countries worldwide. We are dedicated to transforming lives by exploring new possibilities and providing powerful spiritual tools to help make the world a better place.

CSL Global Vision Expanded

Organizational Design:

CSLDallas operates under “The Congruence Model”, a design to “create an organization that is renewing and innovative, as well as vision and values oriented, thereby effectively serving an 21st century spiritual movement.” This design is inspired by leading edge thinking about organizational development, renewal, and leadership. It seeks to demonstrate an organization based in Spiritual Principles and guided by values-based leadership, while empowering everyone involved to mature spiritually and personally through working within the framework of the model. Click HERE to download “The Congruence Model”.

Our Spiritual Director is the executive Ministry Team serving as the vision caster and CEO for the Center. In addition, community leadership is provided by three elected and one appointed “Core”, our Spiritual Coaches and our Ministers and Staff. Our elected and appointed Cores are listed below.

Core Council:

The CORE Council synthesizes input from the Vision, Stewardship and Nominating Cores into clear direction for the CSLDallas community. The CORE Council serves a function similar, but not identical, to a non-profit  board of trustees. Its responsibilities include, but are not limited to, prioritization, coordination and application of resources, overall health and unfoldment of the spiritual community, communications hub, and the final decision-making body for the Center. The CORE Council is elected.


Vision Core:

The Vision Core conducts regular visioning sessions to establish a field of consciousness that is sensitive to the impress and guidance of Spirit. The results of these visioning sessions are harvested and communicated to the CORE Council, becoming the basis for the unified direction and evolving pathway for CSLDallas. The Vision Core is elected.

Nominating Core:

The Nominating Core seeks out and cultivates the most highly qualified nominees to fill each elected position within the organizational design model. The Nominating Core interviews and assesses the qualifications of nominees and presents an annual slate for each elected Core for election at the Annual Membership Meeting. The Nominating Core is elected.

StewarDship Core:

The Stewardship Core provides the resource information that becomes the basis of the CORE Council’s prioritization and allocation functions. It is charged with fiscal oversight, financial cultivation, developing budgets, and raising additional funds to support the evolving pathway of the Community. The Stewardship Core is appointed.