Spiritual Teaching and Practices

- We teach Oneness and Unity, that this thing we have come to call “God” is the Source of all life and creation. This Divine Reality is a Transcendent Mystery beyond our human understanding. It is also the Presence of Love within us and all beings. We do not believe that “God” is a personality or Deity removed from creation, but that creation is held within the One Infinite Reality.
- We teach that all people are equal within this Presence, recognizing that Universal Love is unconditional and nonjudgmental.
- We understand that creation comes into being by Universal Love moving through Universal Laws. These laws are similar to natural laws and can be discovered and used by each of us.
- We teach that Science and Spirituality meet in the fulcrum of quantum physics and mysticism, neuroscience and spiritual psychology, astrophysics and conscious awareness.
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What is Science of Mind

Science of Mind was founded by Dr Ernest Holmes and is part of the “New Thought” spiritual tradition, a positive, practical spirituality. Today, we understand that we are studying and learning about the Science of Consciousness, but the term consciousness was not yet in use. Science of Mind is drawn from the revelations of both western and eastern religion, the opinions of philosophy, the laws of science, and the practices of psychology as applied to human needs and the aspirations of humanity.
Science of Mind is a compilation of the great thoughts of the ages, the deep mystical yearnings of minds in search for “God”, and the modern approach to a faith, which can be demonstrated. In these practices and teachings, Science of Mind endeavors to include the whole life. It is a way of life focused on joy, freedom from fear, and justified results.
Science of Mind offers the world what it has been waiting for – a faith whereby fear and superstition have been removed and universal spiritual principles are presented in plain, simple, and direct ways so that we may each learn to live now, in the present, with the knowledge and trust that the Universe is for us and not against us.
What We Believe

Declaration of Principles by Ernest Holmes, 1927
We believe in God, the Living Spirit Almighty; One, Indestructible, Absolute, and Self-Existent Cause. This One manifests Itself in and through all creation but is not absorbed by Its creation. The manifest universe is the body of God. It is the logical and necessary outcome of the infinite self-knowingness of God.
We believe in the incarnation of the Spirit in each person and that all people are incarnations of the One Spirit.
We believe in the eternality, the immortality, and the continuity of the individual soul, forever and ever-expanding.
We believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us and that we experience this Kingdom to the degree that we become conscious of It.
We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete emancipation from all discord of every nature and that this goal is sure to be attained by all.
Read More We believe in the unity of all life that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this Indwelling Presence. We believe in the direct revelation of Truth through the intuitive and spiritual nature of man and that any man may become a revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the Indwelling God. We believe that the Universal Spirit, which is God, operates through a Universal Mind, which is the Law of God, and that we are surrounded by this Creative Mind which receives the direct impress of our thought and acts upon it. We believe in the healing of the sick through the power of this Mind. We believe in the control of conditions through the power of this Mind. We believe in the Eternal Goodness, the Eternal Loving-Kindness, and the Eternal Givingness of Life to all. We believe in our own soul, our own spirit, and our own destiny for we understand that the life of all is God.
Science Of Mind Principles

The Principles of Science of Mind articulate the basic ideas of the theory and philosophy of the Science of Mind. The Principles help us understand the Nature of Reality – the Infinite Presence and the Universal Law, the nature of creation and our place in it, and who we are in the scheme of things. However, principles are more than just intellectual ideas, they form the foundation for the way we engage in and co-create our lives.
There is One Infinite Reality. We call It many names, including, but not limited to God, Life, Universal Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, First Cause or The Thing Itself. The One Infinite Reality is undivided, complete, and whole within Itself. This Oneness creates everything out of itself, and therefore includes both the absolute and relative, tangible and intangible, physical and metaphysical aspects of reality.
Read More Love is the self-givingness of Universal Spirit through Its desire to express Itself in terms of creation. Love is the impulse and Law is the way of creation. The physical universe is the manifest body of The One Infinite Reality, and the One Infinite Reality is more than the physical universe. Creation is an expression of the One Infinite Reality. It is inherently Good and is ever-evolving toward greater expression of Good. The One Infinite Reality expresses Itself in three aspects – Spirit, Law, and Body. Each individual is made in the image and likeness of the One Infinite Reality and has these same three aspects. The One Infinite Reality operates through the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. This Universal Law is impersonal, automatic, and intelligent. The Universal Law receives the direct impress of Spirit’s impulse and acts upon it bringing it into form. Individuals, having the same threefold nature, use the Creative Process to shape our human experience in alignment with the whole, perfect and complete Reality. Universal Spirit maintains harmony, equilibrium and balance through Spiritual Law. There are various expressions and uses of Spiritual Law; for example, the law of correspondence, the law of attraction, the law of giving and receiving. Spiritual laws are impersonal, consistent, and intelligent and are always operating. Consciously, individuals can learn to use these laws to create or change conditions. The One Infinite Reality is both transcendent and immanent. Individual human beings are spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe having a human experience. This is our True Nature. Freedom is the birthright of every individual. We are free to choose and create our experience of life. Heaven and Enlightenment both point to the state of awareness of our True Nature. We experience our True Nature to the degree we become conscious of It. We actively seek to know the True Nature of every individual and celebrate each individual’s unique expression of It. This experience of our True Nature is sure to be attained by all. The One Infinite Reality is eternal. We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual, forever and ever expanding.TWO ~ LOVE
NINE ~ HEAVEN/Enlightenment

The Practices teach us how to, and provide the means to apply the Principles in our lives. Each practice includes the primary methodologies Centers for Spiritual Living teaches for practicing the application of our principles. Each practice may help us apply all the Principles, but each Practice is herein associated with the Principle(s) upon which it is primarily based and to which it applies.
Principle: a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
Practice: the actual application or use of an idea or belief, as opposed to theories relating to it.
Method: a systematic procedure, technique, or mode applied to practice principles
Read More B ~ Practicing the Presence C ~ Direct Revelation D ~ Self-Awareness E ~ Gratitude F ~ Compassion G ~ Intentional Manifestation H ~ Sacred Study I ~ Other methods to further embody Science of Mind Principles
A ~ Spiritual Mind Treatment
Spiritual Mind Treatment is the single most important Science of Mind Practice. It is a specific methodology that puts all the Principles into practice in a systematic and intentional manner. We consciously use the Creative Process to direct Spiritual Laws to heal/change real life conditions. Regularly used and applied to every area of life, it develops a deeper awareness, expanded consciousness, and greater experience of the One Infinite Reality.
Spiritual Mind Treatment is an act, art, and science. It is an act, being the conscious activity of thought. It is an art in that there must be conviction, appreciation, and realization. It is a science, in that it produces verifiable results through the application of impersonal, consistent spiritual law.
Practicing the Presence is the practice of the principles of Oneness, Love, and Creation; to become aware of and experience the One Infinite Reality. The Practice of the Presence is engaging in formal, disciplined methodologies that quiet the mind/body and open awareness. Beyond these formal methodologies, it is living in alignment with our Science of Mind Principles, embodying these Principles in the way we engage in the present moment, thereby being congruent in thought, word and behavior.
Meditation opens us to this inner awareness. It transcends all theologies and allows us to directly experience the One Infinite Reality. There are many different forms of meditation, each of which open us to be receptive to the Presence of Universal Spirit.
Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment, objectively observing the behavior, attitudes and beliefs of ourselves and others. Mindfulness creates awareness of our inner alignment and congruence in daily living.
Visioning consciously opens us to be receptive to the impress of Universal Spirit. Visioning is the practice of cultivating the Field of Consciousness and illuminating what wants to emerge into form, without preconceived ideas or limitations. Visioning has a specific methodology, which can be used individually or in a group. Visioning may also be done informally.
Direct Revelation is the practice of the Principles of Spiritual Being, Freedom, and Heaven. As individualized expressions of the One Infinite Reality we have access to the infinite wisdom and intelligence of this Ultimate Reality. It flows through us, as us, to the degree that we set our previous ideas aside and become aware and conscious of the impress of Universal Spirit. Direct Revelation is available to us through our Intuition and can be intentionally cultivated.
Visioning consciously opens us to be receptive to the impress of Universal Spirit. Visioning is the practice of cultivating the Field of Consciousness and illuminating what wants to emerge into form, without preconceived ideas or limitations. Visioning has a specific methodology, which can be used individually or in a group. Visioning may also be done informally.
There are many other methods for practicing Direct Revelation including but not limited to the development of Intuition, Inspiration, and Receptivity.
Self-awareness is the practice that illuminates our alignment with each of the Science of Mind Principles. It is the practice of being conscious of one’s motivations, internal dialogue, and hidden beliefs. It is a willingness to observe and take responsibility for one’s internal and external choices. Self-awareness is the foundation for conscious choice.
Silence creates an inner spaciousness to become aware of one’s own consciousness, to experience the rise and fall of thoughts and feelings without attachment or judgment. It invites us to become comfortable within our own body/mind, to release distractions, so that self-awareness has space to grow.
Spiritual Coaching is working with a Professionally Licensed Practitioner to assist in examining one’s life in the light of spiritual principles, becoming aware of one’s inner states, hidden beliefs, and patterns of thought.
There are many other methods for practicing Self-Awareness, which can be done alone or guided by another, including but not limited to guided imagery, journaling, and therapy.
Gratitude is both a Principle and a Practice. It is also the practice of the Principle of Creation, seeing creation as life affirming, looking for the Good and focusing on that good. Gratitude is more than an emotion; it is an attitude, which carries us beyond doubt, attracting and magnifying the good that is focused upon. Gratitude accepts with perfect faith that which has not yet manifested, as if it were already here.
Journaling is a powerful way to practice Gratitude on a regular or daily basis. There are many other methods for practicing Gratitude.
Compassion is the practice of the principles of Oneness, Spiritual Beings, Heaven, and Immortality. Compassion respects and honors the True Nature of others, all life, and ourselves. Compassion is claiming the same good for others that we accept for ourselves. Active compassion is the practice of joining personal responsibility with social conscience for the good of all.
Forgiveness is a significant way to practice compassion; the process of releasing hurts, judgments or grievances, which allows us to see the Universal Spirit in everyone.
Sacred Service is a way to practice Compassion by actively serving others, as well as seeking to bring about the CSL Global Vision and a world that works for everyone.
Intentional manifestation is the practice the Threefold Nature, the Creative Process, Spiritual Laws, and Freedom. It is consciously producing a definite outcome by using Science of Mind Principles to bring about a greater good, a more abundant life, a better condition than existed before. Intentional manifestation invites us to exercise our freedom to create the life we desire.
Spiritual Mind Treatment is our primary and most significant methodology for intentional manifestation, creating the bridge between Spiritual Truth and manifested reality, transforming creation into a reflection of Spiritual Truth.
Affirmation and Visualization are methods for Intentional Manifestation. Affirmations and Visualizations create a new causal idea in Mind and a deeper acceptance within us of the reality of the idea, which then becomes the seed for the new manifestation.
Giving and Receiving is a way to practice conscious participation in the circulation of universal good in all of its forms.
Sacred Study is the practice of expanding our knowledge and understanding of the Nature of the One Infinite Reality, who we are, and a deeper understanding and use of each of the Science of Mind Principles. Sacred Study deepens our awareness of spiritual truths and provides the framework for spiritual practice. Through Sacred Study, we gain wisdom as well as a deep appreciation for the wisdom of those who have walked a spiritual path throughout the ages.
Contemplation is a tool for the practice of Sacred Study. It expands our conscious awareness and embodiment of a spiritual principle or idea.
Reading and discussion of sacred writing, contemporary books and materials of a spiritual nature, and one’s one engagement with the ideas presented invites exploration, discernment, and alignment with Science of Mind Principles and universal spiritual truth.
The purpose of these practices is to embody our spiritual principles. This embodiment is a natural and spontaneous response to life, which is in alignment with Science of Mind Principles. There are many methods to practice and apply the Spiritual Principles in everyday life. Ongoing proficiency and expansion of spiritual practices nurtures the application and embodiment of our Spiritual Principles. Exploring additional methods to deepen our understanding and practice that are in alignment with our Spiritual Principles, is valued and encouraged.
Our Teaching Symbol

What is this Symbol and what does it mean?
This is our teaching symbol, designed by our founder, Ernest Holmes (1887-1960). It symbolizes the creative process of both Universal and individual Life based on the profound idea that we are “made in the image and likeness “ of the ONE. Its literal definition is “The descent of Spirit, through Law, into form.”
The Circle represents Universal Spirit or the One infinite Reality. This circle contains three sections representing three aspects of the Divine Reality, or a “trinity” of Life.
The top section represents Spirit, the Absolute Nature of the Divine, the impulsion of Love and the Desire to Create. It can also be understood as the Creator, or First Cause. This is the seed of thought, belief or intention.
Read More Within that Infinity is Spiritual Law. Law is accessed by each of us, first by our conscious awareness. Then, we empower some of our thoughts with feeling. Thoughts surrounded by feeling become beliefs—and our beliefs create our experience of conditions, forms, effects. The center section represents this Law of Cause and Effect (Soul), meaning the orderly process through which the the impulsion of Love and the Desire to Create becomes manifested or created. This is the soil into which the seed is planted. The lower section is Body (the effect), meaning the physical, created universe which is understood to be the actual manifestation (expression) of the One Infinity Reality in Form. This is the growing plant which is the result of the seed being planted. The “V” symbolizes the Creative Process itself, reminding us that any impulsion or cause, be it a thought, intention or belief, moves through Law and becomes part of the physical. For every form, experience or effect there is a cause whether consciously planted or not. By developing a new belief that Love is behind the desire of Life to create, each of us can manifest a new way of being in the world: greater happiness, harmony, prosperity, anything we can imagine. Consciously using the Creative Process toward these ends, we contribute something positive into the collective belief system of humanity, setting an intention for a higher good for all.
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