Licensed Spiritual Coach TRAINING

 As you travel your own spiritual journey, you may feel drawn toward teaching, supporting and guiding others along their path. CSLDallas provides courses for those wishing to answer the call to service and ministry .

Licensed Spiritual Coach Training leads to the RScP license with the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL). The Licensed Spiritual Coach then serve as a member of the support, teaching and prayer arm of our Spiritual Community and in the world.

A Licensed Spiritual Coach may go on to receive a Master Spiritual Coach Certificate and/or choose to enter the Ministerial Training Program to become a Centers for Spiritual Living minister.

Course Description

The purpose of Licensed Spiritual Coach Training is to graduate and license powerful Spiritual Coaches who are: skilled in the art and science of spiritual mind treatment and healing; teachers of Truth; active, loyal and supporting members of their spiritual community; and role models for other spiritual seekers. This year of study focuses on the skills and responsibilities of the Licensed Spiritual Coach. It covers their relationship to clients, to the process of healing, to their spiritual community, to their global community, and to the world. It is the students’ opportunity to apply what they’ve learned to assist others on their path of evolution and teaching them to “live a life of their choice” and “to live their life fully.”

For more information about course requirements read below.

Term 1

10 weeks – Covers “Professional Skills and Responsibilities” dealing with Coach/Client sessions.

Term 2

10 weeks – Covers “Spiritual Healing and Manifestation” devoted to the process in healing and co-creating, working specifically with relationships, money, creative self-expression, emotional health, physical health, death and dying, grief and loss.

Term 3

10 weeks – covers “Dedication, Commitment to Service” and empowers the intention of each student to develop their Spiritual Coaching practice within the spiritual community and the world.

How to Become a Licensed Spiritual Coach

The Licensed Spiritual Coach Training is offered as a 9-month course (September – May).

In order to be eligible for entry into the Licensed Spiritual Coach/Practitioner Training, the student must have completed all required courses up to and including Inward Journey, as outlined on the Inward Journey page of our website.

All certificated courses, Including Inward Journey or Deep Mysticism must be completed within the preceding five years of applying for and enrolling into Licensed Spiritual Coach Training.

 If more than five years has elapsed, then the course in question must be retaken. For example, if more than five years has elapsed since taking Foundations, the course must be retaken. No certificated course older than five years will be counted as meeting any requirement for entering Licensed Spiritual Coach/Practitioner Training.

There is a written examination at the end of the year, which is the first step in the licensing process. Upon passing the written exam, licensing candidates proceed to an oral examination by a panel of ministers and Licensed Spiritual Coaches. After successfully passing the oral examination, the individual is licensed by the Centers for Spiritual Living. The individual is then ready to serve as a Licensed Spiritual Coach for their spiritual community and in an established business for themselves.

A license is valid for two years. Licenses are then renewed every two years upon validation of 250 hours of service, referred to as Continuing Licensing Units (CLU’s) and 45 hours of Continuing Education Units (CEU’s).

Practitioner Licensing:

The Licensed Spiritual Coach Training certificate is valid for two years from the date of course completion for applying for licensing.

If more than two years have elapsed since completion of Licensed Spiritual Coach Training, the student must retake Licensed Spiritual Coach Training before reapplying for licensing.

If more than five years have elapsed since completion of Inward Journey or Licensed Spiritual Coach Training , the student must retake the Foundations Course, Inward Journey and Licensed Spiritual Coach Training before, initiating the licensing process.

Responsibility for Adhering to Time Requirements: 

It is the member community’s responsibility to verify that time limits have been adhered to and that course work that was previously taken is appropriately registered at CSL before permitting registration into any additional course.

Variances to these Requirements and Recommendations:

The Spiritual Director of a member community may make a request to CSL for a variance to any of these policies.

Spiritual Development

Licensed Spiritual Coach Training

Personal Development & Wellness

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Ministry Training

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