You may be facing a challenge today – with people, at work or home, or in unexpected circumstances. First, feel your feelings – be mad or sad or upset – but don’t let your thoughts swirl into a story of victim or blame, fear or negativity. This is not the time to panic, fight, or curl into a ball.  This is the time to hunker down in your deepest faith – that the Universe is always moving with Love, for Life; that somehow good must come of it, even if you don’t have a clue what that could possibly be.  Dare to make your claim, even your demand, on the Law, for healing, for Divine Right Action, and for Perfect Outcome. Declare that you are guided by Intuition in every circumstances and decision. Take each step forward with a commitment to stay spiritually grounded, centered in yourself, trusting in the spiritual principles you’ve learned. You will make it through. And there will be great good on the other side – today, next week, next month or maybe not till next year – but it will absolutely be there. You can trust in that.