You are surrounded by and immersed in an ocean of Divine Love. It is the source of your being and the core of the life that is YOU.  Love is not something you need to get – it is already here. The best way to feel the love is to be love and give love – to a child, a pet, your partner or a friend. Then begin to extend that love out to those around you. See them with soft, compassionate eyes. Then notice how life supports life in the nest and the cave and the burrow. This impulse for life is Divine Love nurturing and caring for creation. It is nurturing and caring for your life, as you, as powerfully as it is nurturing and caring for all Life. It is the Love that flows back to you as the Life that is seeking to live AS you.  Now you receive that love as easily as you share it.  And the circle is complete. Now there is undivided Divine Love and YOU are its center.