Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

On Halloween, as ghosts and goblins become more visible this time of year, the veil grows thinner between the world of the ancestors and those who now walk this realm. The earth-based traditions...
I Came to Give

I Came to Give

You live in a realm of Infinite opportunities that are forever seeking to express through you. Ernest Holmes Too often people think abundance is about what you can get and save, when in truth you...
The Spiritual Practice of Sacred Giving

The Spiritual Practice of Sacred Giving

Giving is powerful form of spiritual practice. Giving is the way to prime the pump for your good! Giving opens the channels and releases the flow, allowing more good to come to you. Become a...
Law of Circulation and the Breath

Law of Circulation and the Breath

Try this experiment, right now, while you read this. First take a deep breath and notice how much air you inhaled. Now breathe normally for a moment. Next, push out all the air in your lungs, as...
What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

Life is a banquet and most poor fools are starving to death. Mame in Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis After a mom calls her child to come to the dinner table for the umpteenth time, she finally resorts...