Gratitude is more than saying Thank You

Gratitude is more than saying Thank You

A deep feeling of gratitude and a sense that there are worthwhile and good things going on is a generative act in consciousness. Far beyond saying Thank You, there is an unstoppable movement of...
Tipping the Scales of Consciousness

Tipping the Scales of Consciousness

“Stand guard at the portals of your mind, and decide what you will let enter there.” paraphrasing Mary Baker Eddy This year – manage your social media and news intake; decide what...
What are you still carrying?

What are you still carrying?

An old Zen Story – Two traveling monks reached a town where there was a young woman waiting to step out of her sedan chair. The rains had made deep puddles and she couldn’t step across without...
Traveling and Refilling

Traveling and Refilling

There are so many ways to nourish our hearts and minds. Reading, painting, walking, skating, dreaming, riding, sharing, and traveling all take us out of ourselves, our routines and our ruts....
Spirit, Mind and Body Healing

Spirit, Mind and Body Healing

You are a whole being with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Each aspect of you supports, empowers, and collaborates with the others for you to express and experience a whole and...