A Letter From Our CORE Chair

Georgeann Moss HeadshotAs we embark in this year’s Adventures in Spirit pledge campaign, I am particularly grateful for the many spiritual tools the Science of Mind provides to help us navigate tough times and situations: Spiritual Mind Treatments; Practicing the Presence; Self Awareness; Compassion; Intentional Manifestation and Gratitude. 

After three frustrating months of trying to be seen by the correct doctors and specialists, in June, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I used that waiting period to do affirmative prayer and to reach out to friends, family, and CSLDallas practitioners to request their affirmative prayer support as well. What a blessing it is to have a loving community to support us. I am delighted to report that TSRW! When I finally got the result of my PET and CAT scans earlier this week, I was told that the cancer was contained, and that six weeks of chemo and radiation were likely to be 100 percent effective. I am working every day to manifest a body that is whole, perfect, and complete. 

 CSLDallas has been instrumental in teaching me how to meditate and I’m so grateful! The PET Scan required laying perfectly still in a darkened room for 50 minutes to allow the radioactive material to spread evenly throughout my body. There was a time in my life when I couldn’t imagine being able to accomplish that. Instead of dreading it, I used it as an opportunity for meditation, mindfulness, and visioning. 

 Self-Awareness is being mindful of our inner dialogue. On this journey, I have stayed positive and conscious of my thoughts and the words I use to talk about this. On the days when that is more difficult, I remind myself that I am human, and not expected to be perfectly perfect all the time! 

I’ve learned Compassion. In my late 20s, my mother died (age 57) of colon cancer (a different kind). I supported her the best ways I knew how, as my dad had died a decade earlier of a heart attack. I thought we both had to be strong. Forty years later, I realize that I could have let her voice her fears, shed tears and just held her, rather than trying to force her to be strong, like I was for her.  

 And last, but not least, I am grateful for this community, its teachings, the wonderful friendships it has given me and the ability to always focus on my many, many blessings. As you consider what to pledge this year, I encourage you to remember the many blessings you receive from the Science of Mind spiritual tools. And give thanks for the community members who were here before us and ensured that CSL Dallas was here when we needed it!  

Let’s do our part to ensure that it will still be here 100 years from now for those who aren’t even born yet!

Love & Light

Georgeann Moss 

Chair, CSLDallas CORE Council