April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Into every life, rain must fall, yet this rain also nourishes and blesses. Every life has challenges, trials, and difficulties, yet these times are also opportunities for awareness, growth, and the...
Be Made New

Be Made New

“…be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  Paul of...
Who am I? Who are you? Who are we?

Who am I? Who are you? Who are we?

You are an individualized expression of the ONE Life. You are the place where the Infinite is awakening to self-awareness. You are a being of love and light, radiant and beautiful. You are so much...
The Stage of Life

The Stage of Life

“Sometimes people are playing a role in our movie–we attracted them to live out our beliefs about life.  Sometimes we are playing a part in their movie.  Usually, its some portion of...
The Source is Spirit

The Source is Spirit

You are rooted in Life, Love, and the Divine Presence. This is not something you achieve, it is something you already are. No matter how dim the light or distant the feeling, the heart of the...