Open the Door to Abundance

Open the Door to Abundance

When we understand the way all things actually exist, rather than how we would wish them to, then the abundance of all the ten directions and the three times, as vast as space, become ours; and...
Celebrating with Others Expands Abundance

Celebrating with Others Expands Abundance

Instead, I have an abundance mentality: When people are genuinely happy at the successes of others, the pie gets larger.  Stephen Covey “Why does she always get picked?” This thought ran my life for...
Tune into Abundance

Tune into Abundance

Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.  Wayne Dyer Everyone shows up differently—in the ways they love and speak, and the things they value. Deep spiritual living...
Can You Imagine greater Abundance?

Can You Imagine greater Abundance?

If we keep our thought fixed upon taking the form of some desire in our lives, then it will begin to take this form. If we change the desire, then It will change the form. Therefore, there must be a...