Mystical Light

Mystical Light

There is a Light in the universe that flows in, through and around everything. It is the Light of creation. It is the Light of illumination and enlightenment. It is that which lightens the day and...
Building a Prosperity Consciousness

Building a Prosperity Consciousness

We are pretty good at demonstrating in a pinch. We need money for a trip or medical bills, we manifest it. We need a car or some piece of furniture, we manifest it. Usually, the more of a crunch we...
Listening to your inner GPS

Listening to your inner GPS

You have your own inner GPS to guide you on your way. First you have to plug in where you want to go. It can be anything, from healthy living or growing a successful business, to a specific...

Happy Holidays

Due to out of the country travel, illness, and the holidays, the Daily Words will resume on January 1, 2019. Have a blessed December and Holiday Season. Know you are loved and supported in more ways...
Handling disruption

Handling disruption

So here I am having fallen into a rhythm that works for writing on my sabbatical and, of course, what happens next? A disruption. I had agreed to teach The Art of Spiritual Leadership for the San...