I love to celebrate the holidays for so many reasons. There is beauty in ritual, spiritual richness in the message, and comfort in the tradition. More importantly, each holiday we celebrate invites us into deeper metaphysical exploration of Spirit, Love, Oneness, and Awakened Consciousness. There is, of course, all the usual focus on decorations, music, food, and special gatherings. But underneath the trappings, you will find a powerful current running from the soul of ancient times into our hearts today. This month we seek to experience the eternal EMRGENCE of Love and Light in our world today.

A Blue Holiday

For some the holidays are a time of quiet despair and deep sadness. There are definitely many who struggle to find the “cheer” or simply have never found joy at this time of year. Whether this an annual state of affairs or the result of a change this year, I know that life isn’t always magical and miracles aren’t guaranteed. Let your soul speak and your heart be seen by those who support and lift you up. Find someone(s) who will hold a loving space for you without needing you to be different. Surrounded yourself with friends who aren’t immersed in the struggle, and will celebrate the good there is in the world.

Hannukah and Bodhi Day

THis year Bodhi Day (the celerbation o Buddha’s Enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree) is celebrated during the week of Hanukkah (the celebration of the retaking of the Temple and the miracle of the Eternal Flame staying light without enough oil). Both eastern and western traditions affirm the strength of commitment and the power of faith. The realization that things aren’t always as they seem invites us outside of the norm. We are enticed to try something radically different – the power of faith. We become available to a greater love and a deeper awareness than ever before. Celebrating on the edge of the unknown we know that our safety lies in an ever-emerging love.

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice reminds us that in our climate-controlled lives, we are far removed from changing seasons and creeping darkness. Yet our climate is seriously out of control and there is a darkness in the heart of our culture. The ancient northern peoples beat their drums in defiance of the dark and lit their bonfires to call for the return of the light. We call for the Cosmic Light in the midst of fear and despair. Light a fire of Truth in your heart and mind. Know that your light awakens humanity and brings hope to the future.