Remember the Shoulders…

Remember the Shoulders…

 “Remember the shoulders upon which you stand. Those who have gone before you,  those who have kept you free, those who have taught you, and those who have inspired you.  Climb higher so...
Look For The Greater Good

Look For The Greater Good

“Stop looking for what doesn’t work. Stop trying to find a weak point. Start looking for the greater good. Start looking for the possibility. Start imagining how it might be true or...
From Competition to Collaboration

From Competition to Collaboration

There is no competition unless it exists in your own mind. Spirit is infinite, so how can there be competition for resources, recognition, or success? In an Infinite Universe, there is enough to go...


“Dream big–you can not out-dream God! Live fully–it’s never too much for Spirit. Try everything–you have eternity to “get it right.” Explore new things;...
Apply Spiritual Principles

Apply Spiritual Principles

“Apply spiritual principles to every area of your life. This means looking at anything and seeing it through the lenses of the qualities of God or the spiritual truths you have learned. This...