The Banquet Table of Life

The Banquet Table of Life

“We must set up a receiving center. No matter how abundantly the horn of plenty may pour out its universal gifts, we must hold up our bowl of acceptance or the gift cannot be complete. Life is...
Look for the Good and Praise It

Look for the Good and Praise It

“Through affirmative thinking you are able to clear your mind of negative thoughts, fears and doubts. This you must come to do if you are to become aware of the Presence, Peace and Harmony of...
New Life Stirs Within

New Life Stirs Within

Become aware as new ideas, a new inner urging, a renewed sense of purpose arises within you. Seek to feel the ways new life is constantly stirring within. Spirit is always seeking to express more of...
Are you letting love in?

Are you letting love in?

Something that stands in our way of experiencing Love is our inability or unwillingness to let it in. Receiving Love means that we open our minds and hearts to the love that is already, always...