Become aware as new ideas, a new inner urging, a renewed sense of purpose arises within you. Seek to feel the ways new life is constantly stirring within. Spirit is always seeking to express more of Itself as you – more life, more love, more joy – and your life is ever growing to accommodate this inner urge.

Sometimes new life stirs up and reawakens an old sense of purpose. This may be something you put away as childish or silly or unattainable. Sometimes life stirs by prompting something so new you’ve never considered it before. This may also feel silly or unattainable.

Contemplation: Listen for and write about these inner urgings. How is new life stirring within you today? If you stopped thinking it was silly or unattainable, what new thing would you start growing in your life today.

Affirmation: I pay attention to the inner promptings that stir my soul