Because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. Martha Graham

How many of us were told that we couldn’t draw or paint, or sing or write, or dance or throw a ball? On parent’s day at my son’s preschool, we were shown our kids’ art. My son had painted an abstract watercolor, and then had torn strips from another picture he’d painted and attached them all around the edge, so they stuck out in different directions. It was truly unique, and his teacher praised his “out of the box” thinking. Clearly his creativity was not confined by the edges of the paper. The following year in kindergarten, however, he was severely criticized for not coloring inside the lines. This was the first time his creativity hadn’t been supported, and I watched his out-of-the-box thinking learn to conform throughout the rest of elementary school.

These kinds of experiences turn into the way we talk to ourselves about our own creativity and our ability to create something new in our lives. We end up repeating to ourselves the things we heard from parents, teachers, and friends in school.

Every time your self-talk belittles or berates you, ask yourself, “Is this really true about my deepest, truest, Spiritual Self?” Of course it’s not! Ask yourself this question until you can laugh at the absurdity of your self-talk and make space for the real creativity of your unique self to emerge.

Spiritual Contemplation: How do you belittle your creativity in your own mind? How do you talk to yourself when you are trying to create or make something?

Affirmation: I am creative. I like how I do things! I am unique! This is Spirit showing up as ME!

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