Light Makes Shadows

Light Makes Shadows

Accepting the lessons and experiences of the past, and taking the best from everything, we should press boldly forward, looking ever for the Truth, and ever ascending higher and higher into the...
Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure

In a fun book series called Choose Your Own Adventure, you determine the direction of the story. Each choice leads to an adventure, which leads to another page with other choices, and you travel a...
Bend like the Willow

Bend like the Willow

The wind does not break a tree that can bend. Sukuma Proverb The tree that does not bend with the wind will be broken by the wind. Mandarin Chinese Proverb Most really, really wealthy people have...
The Art of Doing Nothing

The Art of Doing Nothing

Do you understand the art of doing nothing, like Pooh does? Or are you more like rabbit? “Rabbit’s clever,” said Pooh thoughtfully. “Yes,” said Piglet, “Rabbit’s...
In the World

In the World

I believe the world is incomprehensibly beautiful—an endless prospect of magic and wonder.  Ansel Adams Your intellect and emotions are great gifts, but it is just as important to pay attention to...
The Bounty of Nature

The Bounty of Nature

Observing the bounty of nature in its abundance fills the soul with such a love for how well nature provides for us. Remember these words: O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain...