Opening the Flow

Opening the Flow

“The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word…. Place yourself in the middle of...
Allowing Things to Grow

Allowing Things to Grow

You’ve planted your seeds, watered your garden – now what do you do? You wait for things to grow. There is an inherent Law of Growth in each seed which already knows what is needed to becoming the...
Don’t Dig Up the Seed

Don’t Dig Up the Seed

Can you imagine what would happen if you planted a row of seeds, and then keep digging them up to see if they are growing? How can the seed keep growing its little roots, and drawing what it needs...
Staying With Your Intention

Staying With Your Intention

How do you stay focused on your intention, while waiting for it to become something real in your life? This is perhaps one of the hardest aspects of spiritual living. The best analogy I know is the...
Trust in Your Dreaming

Trust in Your Dreaming

Building trust isn’t about trusting other people so much as it is to about learning to trust the way life is seeking to express as you. You are a multidimensional being with many potentialities and...