Oct 21, 2021 | Abundance, Prosperity, and Money
Randy Craig shares how CSLDallas has changed life and become his spiritual home. He points out why contributing is so important for the future generations that come through the doors of CSLDallas.
Sep 13, 2021 | Law of Attraction, Law of Cause and Effect and More, Short Takes
Rev Karen is here to give us the second step of consciousness which is “by me”. It’s all about attitude!
Aug 4, 2021 | Oneness, Unity, and Inclusion, Short Takes
Dr Tracy Brown shares with us the real meaning behind this sacred word of life and how that applies to our everyday lives.
Jul 28, 2021 | Overcoming Fear, Limitation, and Lack, Short Takes
Rev Karen is here to remind us that we are at choice when it comes to these beliefs and that they are subject to our choices. You could be one decision away from a completely new life.