Is It All Too Serious?

Is It All Too Serious?

Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: it’s good to be silly at the right moment. (Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem; dulce est desipere in loco.) Play is as important as laughter....
Act in Faith

Act in Faith

“Faith without works” is mere belief in a theory, without having proved it to be true.  Its opposite, “active faith,” is knowing from direct experience that a theory can be proved.” — Ernest Holmes...
What, not How!

What, not How!

“We can never know in advance whether we are going to succeed with something new. That’s why doubt is a condition of the process. But when we experience the doubt and keep going anyway, our trust in...
Doubt and Faith

Doubt and Faith

“Here we may meet difficulties, uncertainties and doubts, barriers walling our passage. But we must not be discouraged when so confronted. We must climb over the rocks of unbelief, pass around...
Stand on Your Faith!

Stand on Your Faith!

In any situation, stand on the firm foundation of your Spiritual Truths: God is present; Love is the answer; Truth will be known. Other Truths you may also apply: there is no “right”...