Dec 21, 2020 | Daily Words
Sometimes you are confronted with the need to do or accomplish something that you do not think you know how to do, or do well. This is the perfect time to say to yourself, “I may not know how...
Dec 20, 2020 | Daily Words
Grieve what did not or can not be accomplished. Acceptance allows you to move through the pain and disbelief. Do not get stuck in regret or bitterness. Your tears can be cleansing and healing, when...
Dec 19, 2020 | Daily Words
Let your light shine! You are a light-bearer in the long days of darkness. Feel it pouring from your eyes, your month, and through your actions. Let it nourish and bless others. -Dr. Petra...
Dec 18, 2020 | Daily Words
You are immersed in and surrounded by infinite Abundance. Do not become distracted by what you don’t have. Count each gift you give and receive as blessings, and a demonstration of the...
Dec 16, 2020 | Daily Words
Find your joy in the midst of the hurry. Find your peace in the midst of your worry. Find your ground in the midst of the changes. These things are within you. You find them within you when you tap...