Dec 15, 2020 | Daily Words
Life is all about your personal and spiritual growth. You may think it’s about making money, raising children, and being in love, but it’s really about who you are and how you show up in...
Dec 14, 2020 | Daily Words
Keep your eye on the prize. Do not get bogged down in petty disagreements. Do not allow your ego to run away with you. Do not give up! Spirit is always supporting you and Universal Law is always...
Dec 13, 2020 | Daily Words
As you approach the holidays, do not be afraid to acknowledge the people whom you miss, the things in life that are not “magical and perfect”, or the things you missed out on as a child....
Dec 12, 2020 | Daily Words
In any situation, stand on the firm foundation of your Spiritual Truths: God is present; Love is the answer; Truth will be known. Other Truths you may also apply: there is no “right”...
Dec 10, 2020 | Daily Words
When you think you are too busy to meditate or pray, that is usually the exact time when you need it the most! You are never too busy to take 20 minutes to still your mind, 5 minutes to pray from...