
Latest Daily Words

Mindfulness – Conciencia plena

Mindfulness – Conciencia plena

Mindfulness is a powerful opening for Joy! Mindfulness the art of paying attention, in the moment, to exactly what is in front of you. Whether it is the baby ducks swimming in the pond or the presentation from a colleague or the traffic or lunch. Every moment is an opportunity for us to perceive reality as the ONE making itself manifest through all of the myriads of forms in creation. Perceiving reality is not just simply seeing and reacting to the outside, it is also feeling the energy, imagining the purpose, and sensing the Presence coming from whatever we are paying attention to. Being mindful is the art of awareness, not just for the sake of being present but also for the sake of noticing, experiencing, and savoring, the Infinite in each and every moment. And this is a guarantee of greater joy in every moment!

La conciencia plena es una apertura poderosa hacia la alegría. La conciencia plena es el arte de poner atención, en el momento, exactamente a lo que está enfrente de ti. Ya sea los patitos nadando en el lago o la presentación de un socio, o el tráfico o la comida. Cada momento es una oportunidad para nosotros en percibir la realidad en UNIDAD y haciendo que se manifieste mediante todas las miríadas en forma de creación. El percibir la realidad no solamente es verla y reaccionar a lo externo, también es el sentir de energía, imaginarse el propósito, y el sentir la Presencia a lo que le prestamos atención. El tener conciencia plena es el arte de estar atento, no solo por estarlo, sino por el notarlo, experimentar, y saborear el Infinito en cada momento. Y esta es una garantía de una alegría más grande en cada momento!

Your soul’s journey – El viaje de tu alma

Your soul’s journey – El viaje de tu alma

Your soul’s journey is to become in action and thought who you are in essence. Your soul’s journey is the creative expression of your innermost being. You are not here to learn lessons or transcend your ego or humanness. This life is the canvas that reflects what you create with the paintbrush of your intention and love. You are here to create a life, express the truth of your being, and reflect the Universal Presence as it flows into the world as you. Your journey from separation to wholeness, from suffering to joy, from conforming to self-expression, from small to great begins in each moment, as you choose in alignment with your innermost being. Let your choices be fresh and new each day and may your life blossom into a joyous masterpiece!

El viaje de tu alma es convertirse en acción y pensamiento en quien eres en esencia. El viaje de tu alma es la expresión creativa de tu ser interior. Tú no estás aquí para aprender lecciones, o sobrepasar tu ego, o tu humanidad. Esta vida es el lienzo que refleja lo que creas con tu pincel de tu intención y amor. Tú estás aquí para crear vida, expresar la Verdad de tu ser, y reflejar la Presencia Universal que fluye en el mundo como tu. Tú viaje también es ir de la separación hacia la completa unidad, del sufrir a la alegría, de lo cómodo a la expresión de tu ser, de lo pequeño hacia lo grande, lo cual comienza en cada momento a la medida que elijas en alineación con tu ser interior. Deja que tus elecciones sean frescas y nuevas casa día y que tu vida florezca en una pieza maestra de alegría.

Act as if – Actúa como si

Act as if – Actúa como si

Focus on your intention and thoughts and over time this informs your choices and behaviors. This is growing your life from the inside out and takes a certain kind of mental discipline. When this is difficult to maintain, you can also work from our the outside in. Focus on choosing and behaving as if you already were that kind of person, and your thoughts and intentions will confirm, over time, to your actions. This is growing your life from the outside in.

It doesn’t work if you are simply trying to please or impress someone else. But when you choose to act in a peaceful and loving manner, or with integrity and truthfulness, or with boldness and passion, you are becoming the person you choose to be.  Act as if you are spiritually grounded and you will build a new habit. Act as if you are generous and prosperous and the Universe will respond with a resounding Yes! you are generous and prosperous. And you will get to feel what it feels like to be that which you want to become.

Enfócate en tu intención y pensamientos y al paso del tiempo esto informa tus decisiones y comportamientos. Esto es crecer tu vida desde adentro hacia afuera y toma un cierto tipo de disciplina mental. Cuando esto es difícil de mantener, tú también puedes trabajar desde afuera hacia adentro. Enfócate en escoger y actuar como si ya fueres ese tipo de persona, y tus pensamientos e intenciones al paso del tiempo lo confirmarán en tus acciones. Esto es crecer tu vida desde afuera hacia adentro.

No funciona si simplemente estás tratando de impresionar a alguien. Pero cuando escoges actuar en una manera pacifista y amorosa, o con integridad y verdad, o con audacia y pasión, tú te estás convirtiendo en la persona que tú escoges ser. Actúa como si ya fueses alguien centrado espiritualmente y construirás un hábito nuevo. Actúa como si fueses generoso y próspero y el Universo responderá con la resonancia de Si! Tú eres generoso y próspero, y llegarás a sentir lo que se siente ser y a lo cual te quieres convertir.

Happy April Fool’s Day

Happy April Fool’s Day

The Fool is numbered 0 in the Tarot deck – the number of unlimited potential symbolizing the journey through life which we are ever on.

On the Fool Tarot card, a young man stands on the edge of a cliff, without a care in the world, as he sets out on a new adventure. He is gazing upwards toward the sky (and the Universe) and is seemingly unaware that he is about to skip off a precipice into the unknown. Over his shoulder rests a modest knapsack containing everything he needs – which isn’t much (let’s say he’s a minimalist). The white rose in his left hand represents his purity and innocence. And at his feet is a small white dog, representing loyalty and protection, that encourages him to charge forward and live the life he has come here to be. The mountains behind the Fool symbolize the challenges yet to come. They are present, but the Fool doesn’t care about them right now; he’s more focused on starting his expedition.

The Fool is a card of beginnings, opportunity, and potential. Just like the young man, you are forever at the outset of your soul’s journey, standing at the cliff‘s edge, and about to take your next step into the unknown. Even though you don’t know exactly where you are going, you are being called to commit yourself and follow your heart, no matter how crazy this leap of faith might seem to you. Now is a time when you need to trust where the Universe is taking you.

Adapted from

Positive Expectancy – Expectativa positiva

Positive Expectancy – Expectativa positiva

Positive expectancy is a powerful way to manifest anything – from a pay raise to a relationship to a fulfilling, meaningful life. Positive expectancy grows from your understanding of the Nature of Reality, the Love of the Divine, and the fact that you are part of the Whole.

Being positive doesn’t mean that you never have an uncomfortable feeling, a negative situation, or that you avoid dealing with difficult things. Being positive means that you have a generally positive assumption about the meaning of life, the actions of others, and the possibilities for the future. It also means that in those down or difficult moments you have an expectation that you will come out the other side and that something good must come from it.

Keep feeding yourself spiritual truth. Keep practicing looking for the good. Keep trusting that Universal Law really does work. Keep remembering that Life is seeking to unfold for the greatest good and highest expression of who you are.  With all of that as a base on which to stand, positive expectancy becomes a beautiful habit and a joyous way to live.

Expectativa positiva es un manera poderosa para manifestar cualquier cosa – desde un incremento en salario así como una relación satisfactoria, y una vida significativa. Expectativa positiva crece cuando entiendes la esencia de la Realidad, del Amor de la Divinidad, y el hecho de que tú eres parte del Todo.

El ser positivo no significa que nunca tendrás un sentimiento incómodo, una situación negativa, o que evitarás lidear con cosas difíciles. El ser positivo significa que generalmente asumes lo positivo acerca del significado de la vida, las acciones de los otros, y las posibilidades del futuro. También significa que en esos momentos bajos y difíciles tú tienes la expectativa de que estará mejor y que algo bueno vendrá de todo esto.

Mantente alimentado de verdad espiritual. Mantente practicando el buscar lo bueno. Mantente creyendo que la Ley Universal funciona. Mantente recordando que la Vida busca el expresar la más grande y alta expresión de quien tú eres. Con todo esto como base en la cual puedes pararte, la expectativa positiva se convierte en un hábito y una manera alegre de vivir.

Wholeness of Consciousness – Integridad de conciencia

Wholeness of Consciousness – Integridad de conciencia

Consciousness – body/heart/mind/spirit awareness of Reality

Begin with a compassionate heart and a disciplined mind. Attune the body to the world through both inner and outer senses. Invite universal awareness through spiritual intuition. With this alignment, desires spring from your deepest truth and lead you to your greatest expression.  From this wholeness of consciousness, this truth manifests great good your life and through you for all. Now you and your purpose are fulfilled.

Conciencia – cuerpo/corazón/mente/despertar consciente de la Realidad

Comienza con un corazón con compasión y una mente disciplinada. Armoniza el cuerpo hacia el mundo mediante el sentido interior y exterior. Invita a la conciencia universal mediante intuición espiritual. Con esta alineación , tus deseos brotan desde la verdad más profunda y te guían hacia tu mayor expresión. Desde esta integridad de conciencia, esta verdad manifiesta un bien genial en tu vida y en todo lo demás. Ahora tú y tú propósito están satisfechos.

Ordinary and sacred – Ordinario y Sagrado

Ordinary and sacred – Ordinario y Sagrado

Awareness awakens to this truth – the material and the spiritual are not two worlds, but one. Sacred Reality is present in every breath and every moment. Your life, as normal and ordinary as it may seem, is imbued with meaning and possibility. Any act may become a ritual dedicated to a quality of the Divine. Any word may become a prayer revealing Spiritual Truth. Any relationship may become an altar of Love. Any moment becomes sacred from the intention set. Every breath is sacred as life is continually nourished. Seek the sacred in ordinary moments and you will be initiated into the deepest, most esoteric mysteries of Reality.

La Conciencia despierta a esta verdad – lo material y lo espiritual no son dos palabras, son solo una. La Realidad Sagrada está presente en cada respiro y en cada momento. Tú vida puede parecer tan normal y ordinaria, imbuida con conocimiento y posibilidad. Cualquier acto podría convertirse en un ritual dedicado a la calidad de lo Divino. Cualquier palabra podría convertirse en una oración revelando Verdad Espiritual. Cualquier relación en un altar de Amor. Cualquier momento se vuelve sagrado en la intención decretada. Cada respiración es sagrada así como la vida continuamente es fomentada. Busca lo sagrado en momentos ordinarios e iniciaras unos de los más profundos misterios esotéricos de la Realidad.

The wonder of creation – El asombro de la creación

The wonder of creation – El asombro de la creación

The mountain speaks of eternity, while the leaves unfurl in tender newness. The river flows and the waves crash, singing songs of life and motion upon deep stillness and peace. Flowers burst with joy while birds soar with wild abandon. Every moment, every breath, every sight, and sound reveals the mystery, the majesty, the miracle of life. Blessed and endowed with beauty and strength Spirit is revealed in all its glory through the book of creation. Let your heart be lifted and your spirit gladdened by the “sermon in the stones.” Creation is forever whispering in the night and roaring through the day, of Love and Life, Presence and Power, to those with hearts to see and minds to hear. May you be renewed and refreshed by the wonder of creation.

La montaña habla de eternidad, mientras que las hojas se despliegan en un tierno florecer. El río sigue y las olas golpean cantando canciones de vida y movimiento sobre una profunda quietud y paz. Las flores brotan con alegría, mientras que las aves se elevan en abandono salvaje. Cada momento, cada respiro, cada visión, y sonido revelan el misterio, la majestad, el milagro de la vida. Bendecidos y dotados con belleza y fuerza, el Espíritu se revela en toda su gloria mediante el libro de la creación. Deja que tu corazón sea levantado y tu espíritu regocijado por el “sermón de las piedras”. La Creación siempre está susurrando en la noche y rugiendo durante el día hacia el Amor y Vida, a la Presencia y al Poder, hacia aquellos con corazones para ver y mentes para oír. Se renovado y refrescado por el asombro de la creación.

Your light is enough

Your light is enough

We yearn for a greater experience of the Light. We sense the shadows of our fear or doubt and wonder if we have enough faith to carry through. Sometimes the challenge seems bigger than the Light of Truth, Do not despair. Take what little light you may feel you have and share it with another. Bear your light into someone else’s darkness. You will see the darkness melt away in the Truth of your Light. You will experience the kindling of the flame in someone else. Now your light is joined and strengthed by another’s. Sharing what light you have doubles, then multiples, the Light. Through this, your own Light grows, banishing the shadows from your consciousness. Whatever light you can muster at the moment, your Light, it is enough!

Inspiration for prosperity and success

Inspiration for prosperity and success

by Napoleon Hill

“Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.”

“Success comes to those who become success conscious.”

“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.”

“Most great people have achieved their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.”

“Tell me how you use your spare time, and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be in ten years from now.”



Head and Heart Creativity

Head and Heart Creativity

You are a creative being regardless of what anyone told you in elementary school. You are constantly creating your own life through the power of Universal Law. Your creative part in the process is to consciously use the Law. You provide direction, focus, intention, and expectancy – the Law does the rest. So your power is in your head/heart connection.

The head provides focus and the heart provides conviction. The head provides intention and the heart provides expectancy. The head can confuse its part of the process by trying to figure everything out. It can also get caught up in old ideas or beliefs that undermine your intention. The heart can confuse its part of the process through feelings of fear or waiting to feel convinced of the outcome.  Your job is to keep both head and heart on track and in alignment with each other.

When head and heart are working in tandem, as the wholeness that they actually are, your creativity is immense and your power to manifest unstoppable.

Oneness is your reality – La unidad es tu realidad

Oneness is your reality – La unidad es tu realidad

You don’t need to create or develop a relationship with the Divine. It is already all of your life and you are already an individualized expression of it. You are already ONE with all that IS, same in essence although different in degree. This means that while you are the universal individualized, you are, in fact, ONE with ONEness.

We could use the rose bush and its roses as a metaphor. The entirety of the rose bush includes the roses as they bud and bloom. The rose doesn’t need to develop a relationship with the bush – it is the way the bush expresses itself. Each rose isn’t all of the bush, but each and every rose is an integral part of the whole rosebush and included in the ONE that is the whole rosebush and its roses. You are like the rose to the ONE which is like the rosebush. Even the fact that the life of the rosebush repeatedly produces beautiful roses is like your human experience which blooms and fades, just as the ONENESS  springs forth anew as you, forever and ever expanding.

You are already ONE with the ONE. Trust this truth. Nothing can change it!

Tú no necesitas crear o desarrollar una relación con el ser Divino. Ya existe en toda tu vida y tú eres una expresión individualizada de eso. Tú eres UNO con todo lo que ES, lo mismo en esencia solo diferente en grado. Esto significa que mientras tú eres una individualización Universal, tú eres en verdad, UNO con la Unidad.

Podemos usar el rosal y sus rosas como metáfora. La totalidad del rosal incluye las rosas así como el brote y el florecer. La rosa no necesita desarrollar una relación con el arbusto – esa es la manera en la que el rosal se expresa a si mismo. Cada rosa no es todo el rosal, pero cada una de las rosas es una parte integral del todo, e incluida en el UNO está el rosal y todas sus rosas. Tú eres como la rosa al UNO así como lo es al rosal. Tal es el hecho de que el rosal repetidamente produce rosas preciosas, lo mismo es tu experiencia humana, esta florece y se desvanece, la UNIDAD brota un nuevo tu, por siempre y para siempre expandiéndose.

Tú ya eres UNO con el UNO. Confía en esta verdad. Nada lo puede cambiar!

Making space

Making space

You can make space in your life for the people, experiences, and things that really matter to you. Begin by decluttering a drawer or closet. Look at all the things someone else would love to have that you aren’t using. When you put these things into the trash or the giveaway pile add an old thought or pattern you want to get rid of as well. Then take a look at the piles of papers that haven’t been looked at in weeks. Most of this can be recycled. As you do so, recycle some unused ideas and projects that you’ve been carrying around. Now look at your calendar and schedule. What items are on there that you really don’t want or need to do – things that are outside obligations or that you agreed to because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. Say No, and while you remove them from your calendar, remove the obligations you feel towards others that really aren’t actually adding joy to anyone’s life. Fill up just one of those blocks of time with someone that you really do want to spend more time with. Now, look around at your life. Isn’t there already a little more space for you in it? Now do this every 6 months or so and pretty soon your life will have enough space in it for you to truly give your gift and be the person you were meant to be.

Stillness is the key – Quietud es la llave

Stillness is the key – Quietud es la llave

Your life blooms from the stillness within. Take a breath. Be present. Notice what is happening, right in front of you and within you. As you become still and centered, you are able to savor the moment. Taste the food. See the smile. Hear the hurt hidden in the words. Share from your heart. Set an intention with clarity. Make a decision with purposefulness. Take each step with confidence. Allow the path to unfold before you. These are all possible because you have taken that centering breath and become inwardly still.  Let your life bloom.

Tu vida florece desde la quietud interna. Respira. Mantente presente. Observa lo que está pasando enfrente de ti y dentro de ti. A medida que estás quieto y centrado, te será posible saborear el momento. Prueba de ello. Ve la sonrisa. Escucha el dolor escondido en las palabras. Comparte desde tu corazón. Declara una intención con claridad. Toma una decisión con propósito. Toma cada paso con confianza. Deja que el camino se muestre ante ti. Todo esto es posible porque has tomado ese respiro centrado y llegaste a esa quietud interna. Deja tu vida florecer.

Breaking Free

Breaking Free

There is a power that you can rely on. You can use this power to break free of the limitations of the past, the lack in your environment, and the smallness of your thinking. It is the power of your imagination which activates the Power of the Universe. Imagine that the abundance of nature is the same abundance that is your birthright. Imagine that your financial freedom allows you to be who you are. Imagine that you are creating avenues and opportunities for money to flow into your life. Imagine that you are experiencing greater prosperity in every area. Every time you truly imagine, not just wish or hope, you are creating a mold for the Infinite Substance to pour Itself into. Use your imagination to break free – then believe that what you imagine is actually real!