There are many facets of gratitude and diamonds which are some of what makes them so valuable and precious. As you think about gratitude notice what comes up for you!

Some say gratitude is a mindset, a practice, an emotion, a way of life, and/or a conscious state of being. A core element of gratitude is often described as recognizing your blessings. Gratitude is sometimes described as having a positive attitude and seeing the good. Experiencing and expressing gratitude generally includes but is not limited to showing timely appreciation, saying thank you, and orchestrating appropriate meaningful celebrations. Expressing loving kindness is often associated with expressing gratitude. To what extent are your experiences and demonstrations of gratitude based on consciously monitoring and managing your thoughts and internal conversations?   

Many spiritual traditions and religions declare the importance and impact of gratitude. According to Ernest  Holmes, “All tomorrow’s good, may rest today upon your gratitude, for he who gives thanks before the wine is pressed from grapes still clinging to the vine has shown a faith above and beyond the present hour, and his thanksgiving holds the future flower. If you are grateful you will be given more and you will have abundance.” Gratitude is based on a fundamental law of attraction: “Like attracts like.” Since our thoughts and feelings are energy, whatever we think and feel is attracted to us.

A list of the most renowned innovators thought -leaders, and spiritual teachers who have ever lived is dominated by those who practiced gratitude. When Einstein was asked about his monumental discoveries and achievements, he only gave thanks to others and spoke about their contributions. The scientists, philosophers, prophets, inventors, and spiritual leaders who practiced gratitude and were aware of its power achieved extraordinary results. What are some different forms of gratitude? How do you express gratitude? To what extent are your expressions of gratitude about the past, what is now, or what is to come? 

Science of Mind recognizes gratitude as a creative element. Being grateful in advance of receiving attracts our good. Embracing the power and unleashing the potential of gratitude requires conscious practice. Gratitude thrives on specificity and reveals the law of cause and effect. Being specific about what one is grateful for heightens the experience for everyone involved. Gratitude is a catalyst that transforms helplessness to hope and fear to trust. Savoring positive experiences and expressing gratitude creates neurological maps and connections that enhance our sense of self-worth, resilience, and emotions that support our well-being.

Love and gratitude are intertwined in ways that connect and unite people beyond the limits of time and space. Gratitude is contagious. It is documented that when we express our gratitude we get gratitude back. The recipients of gratitude tend to become active gratitude ambassadors. Since gratitude has a positive emotional tone to it, expressing that energetic vibration makes a difference. Genuine gratitude is expressed as fields of emotional energy noticeable as optimism, joy, and bliss. Positive emotions are core components of gratitude because these emotions fuel actions. Gratitude includes retrieving positive memories and being thankful for elements of the past, not taking good fortune in the present for granted, and maintaining a positive hopeful attitude toward the future. Gratitude can be cultivated as it involves conscious expressions of appreciation, praise, and thankfulness. Expressing appreciation is about recognizing the worth or value of what has occurred, an experience, something, or someone. Whatever is appreciated increases in value and importance. Our attention tends to be drawn toward what is valued and we can change and choose what we value.

Expressing gratitude for what’s good in life and showing appreciation to someone who has helped us or supported us with words, presence, and/or actions releases oxytocin and dopamine in our brains. Dopamine triggers positive emotions and optimism. Oxytocin fosters bonding, nurturing, cooperation, and camaraderie. When we reflect on or write down the positives in life our brain (anterior cingulate cortex) releases serotonin. Serotonin acts like an anti-depressant because it enhances our mood, our willpower, and motivation. Therefore, gratitude disconnects us from toxic negative emotions and the ruminating that often accompanies them. It is virtually impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time. Gratitude allows us to celebrate the present; block toxic emotions (envy, regret, resentment, depression); be more stress-resilient, and strengthen positive social relationships and self-worth.