What is consciousness? How do you know you are conscious? What does it really mean to co-create?
Mental scientists, based on the mystical and manifestation teachings of the ancients, have been exploring this question for centuries. Learning how to heal and manifest, without all the religious trappings and mystical jargon, a new era of understanding birthed New Thought. This course explores the works of Thomas Troward, and seeks to explain the nature of the co-creative process beginning with the formation of the universe and ending with the infinite possibilities open to each of us. Corroborated by new science in many disciplines, diving into this material will give your doubting brain something to work with that your intuition and heart already knows is true.
A deep dive, food for the intellect, affirmation for the heart, and inspiration for the intuition. You will be forever changed by your willingness to study this material.
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