When we were looking for a new place for our Center, we saw various buildings that might suit our needs but needed remodeling. The last one in particular really caught my eye and imagination. I could visualize the sanctuary and fellowship hall and classrooms for both kids and adults. The others with me saw something completely different, however. They saw a dirty space that had been vacant and accumulating junk and mess for five years. One man’s comment was, “I can’t imagine how this would work!” But I could . . . and we now have an amazingly perfect place we call our spiritual home! That’s how creativity begins with seeing.

A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What you see is what the Universe sees through your eyes. In every situation, there is something that can be done. Look for the glimmer of hope, the ray of possibility, or the moment of opening, and you will see with different eyes. Even if you don’t recognize it right away, know that it is there. It may not seem to be what you are looking for, but without examining the possibilities, you may pass the perfect opportunity by. As you truly see it, you take the first step in your creative process. Then the Universe gets busy creating your reality with you! Open your creativity by seeing through to possibilities!

Spiritual Contemplation: When have you seen the completed project even before you started? When have you focused more on what wouldn’t work instead?

Affirmation: I co-create my life with the Universe by seeing possibilities and opportunities everywhere. I am creative and open to new ideas and new ways of seeing.

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