The kingdom of God is at hand. The riches, power, glory and might of this kingdom are yours today. You do not rob others by entering into the fullness of your kingdom of joy, your kingdom of abundance. But you must recognize that all people belong to the same kingdom. You merely claim for yourself what you want the Divine Spirit to do for everyone. Ernest Holmes

Contemplating our abundance, we may realize that we have an unconscious belief that it’s more spiritual to be poor than wealthy. We might also believe there is only so much good to go around, and if we have all that we desire, somehow we are robbing others of their good. We know that in the physical universe things do, in fact, run out. But in the reality of the Infinite nothing can ever run out—there is always enough abundance, in whatever forms are available to us today, to fulfill each and every one of our needs and our inner desire to express a fulfilling life!

So go ahead, claim your good! Wake up and announce that you are heir to the Kingdom, and child of the Infinite Presence, deserving of all the Life, Joy, Freedom and Abundance you can imagine. Then know that this is true for each and every person on the planet. Let’s claim it for everyone today!

Spiritual Contemplation: When do you hold back, thinking you have to take from others in order to have your abundance? How often do you realize that everyone deserves and can have all the good you desire for yourself?

Affirmation: I claim enough abundance for myself and for each and every person, right now, today! I know my good does not take away from anyone else. There is enough of Spirit to support and supply all of creation!