Wednesday Night Series: Every month (except December) we explore a theme on Sundays, support it with a book of the month, and then dive deeper into the theme through our Wednesday Series. Wednesday Night Series provides rich interactions, insightful conversations, and powerful “AHA” moments. Come join us at any time throughout the month or commit to a whole series! The classes are FREE!
Theme for the Month – February 2016
Awakening to our Spiritual Magnificence
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!” These lyrics remind us that all change and growth begins within us. Our personal Spiritual Magnificence is based on our inner sense of wholeness. This wholeness comes from deep personal awareness and a willingness to bring our separate internal identities under the one identity “The I AM that I AM.”
Rather than looking outward with fear or anxiety at what’s happening in the world, let’s build a firm foundation within. Naturally, when we see and feel our own spiritual magnificence, we see it reflected in the world around us. Then, we contribute to the “Awakening of Humanity to Its Spiritual Magnificence.”
Facilitator: Rev Karen Fry
Bridging personal and global transformation, without fear or agenda. Everything starts with us. Let us work, with Gandhi, to “be the change we want to see in the world” bringing the light of our own wholeness into every aspect of life.
Book of the Month: Growing Whole:Self Realization for the Great Turning by Molly Young Brown
This book takes you through a personal, interpersonal, and ultimately transpersonal synthesis of all your fragmented “parts”. A powerful psychological companion book to the spiritual awareness of wholeness we practice through the Science of Mind.
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