July at CSLDallas

Saying YES to Life

There is a power in the Universe; we call it the Law of Cause and Effect, which responds to the direct impress of thought and consciousness. This is the automatic, impersonal action of the Law – it always says “YES” to whatever we press upon it. This is both good news and bad news – the Universe is always saying yes to us. Always – it says yes to whatever we believe to be true. It makes no distinction about whether it actually IS true.  Are you really stupid? If you believe it, the Universe says YES! Are you really capable? If you believe it, the Universe says YES! We spend a lot of time learning about this Law and how to use it consciously for what we want and for Good in other people’s lives rather than unconsciously perpetuating and out-picturing old beliefs that really aren’t spiritual Truth.

The other side of the coin is that as the Universe is saying YES to us, we have to say YES back to Life. Learning to say YES is a sacred act of acceptance. First we have to accept the Good that the Universe is always and already showering into our lives.  Yes, we really do have so much to be thankful for already.

A powerful YES is our openness to learning. This Sacred YES claims a healing. It is the YES of believing that good comes of everything, even the dust and grit of the journey.

Finally we say YES to the opportunities and activities that present themselves as we use the Law to demonstrate in our lives. Saying YES to those things that expand and grow us is a powerful YES to Life Itself!

Dr Petra


Book of the Month

The Sacred Yes, Rev Dr. Deborah Johnson

The voice of the Divine is as near to you as your own breath—just ask. The Sacred Yes speaks to us individually and collectively, providing new paradigms for our interpersonal relationships, societal institutions, and global affairs. The act of unconditional surrender to the unknown—without reservation or hesitation—is what transforms every circumstance into something that benefits us all. And according to Rev. Deborah, it happens with one sacred word … YES.




The Happiness Project Book Study:  Saturday, July 1 @ 10:00am

Guest Speaker – Rev. Deborah Johnson: Sunday, July 2 @ 9:15am and 11:15am

Manifesting from the Inside Out Workshop: Sunday, July 2 @ 1:30pm

Visioning Class: Thursday, July 6 @  7:00-10:00pm

Find Your Spiritual Response in Today’s Times: Sunday, July 9 @ 5:00pm

Friday Night Lights – Drum Circle: Friday, July 7 @ 7:00pm

Friday Night Lights – Book of the Month Engagement: Friday, July 14 @ 7:00pm

Friday Night Lights – Kirtan Meditation:  Friday, July 21 @ 7:00pm

Friday Night Lights – TED Talk:  Friday, July  28 @ 7:00pm

Who Is CSLDallas in the Next 3-5 Years?: Sunday, July 30 @  1:00pm

Music Team Auditions: Sunday, July 30 @ 1:00pm