“’Ye are the light of the world.’ How important then that this light be kept trimmed and burning with the oil of pure Spirit, through the wick of peace and joy. In this way do we glorify that Indwelling God who is the Heavenly Father and the Cosmic Mother of all. Symbolically, we must think a lot about Light. I do not know exactly how to put it in words, but everything must become light. There is nothing outside this light, everything exists in it. Even though it may not appear to exist, it is there just the same.”
“There is a place on the side of the mountain we are all ascending where, having gone beyond the peaks that obstructed the Light for us, our ascent reaches an apex where no longer any shadows are cast. This is the Light that is spoken of, and as you believe that you are alive, believe that you are that Light. As you believe in the possibility of your own soul, believe it is God. As you believe in God, believe in yourself. “
Ernest Holmes