It’s Better Together

It’s Better Together

“It’s not the load that breaks you down; it’s the way you carry it.” — Lena Horne Rugged individualism, spiritual pride, or a need to do it yourself, may be causing your load to be heavier than it...

Life is On Your Side

Life is totally on your side! Focus on this fact and you will attract the support, help, guidance, and assistance you need. Even when things look bad, focus on the ways you are supported. Let...
Feelings and Friends

Feelings and Friends

When you feel sad, overwhelmed, abandoned, or alone remember that you are surrounded by Infinite Support, Love, and Presence. The Universe cannot abandon you and It is never overwhelmed. Then reach...


DAY 54 – GIVING Today’s practice for The Season for Peace and Nonviolence is GIVING. I will clean out my closet, bureau drawers, or garage and give away things I’m not using. I...