We Stand for People, Peace and Love
A statement from the CSL Spiritually Motivated Social Engagement Committee “Find me one person who is for something and against nothing, who is redeemed enough not to condemn others out of the...
100 days of mindfulness practice to raise the vibration for the 2024 Election
Beginning on July 28 and continuing for 100 days (Nov. 4) – CSLDallas is joining Dr David Alexander at the Atlanta CSL and Centers all over the US for a special mindfulness practice to raise...
GRATITUDE is as precious as a diamond by Tom B.
There are many facets of gratitude and diamonds which are some of what makes them so valuable and precious. As you think about gratitude notice what comes up for you! Some say gratitude is a...
Mindset of the Enlightened Entrepreneur – 2 part workshop Copy
Learn what enlightened entrepreneurship really means with Carol Merlo, M.Ed., RScP.