You Are Creativity!

You Are Creativity!

“Creativity may have nothing to do with art. Creativity is the ability to imagine something new, see a possibility, or organically unfold something without knowing every step. You are...
Learn to Follow Yourself…

Learn to Follow Yourself…

“Become aware of those things within you that you love.  Follow them to your bliss.  Become aware of those things within you that you fear.  Follow them to your healing.  Learning to follow...
Make Room For Miracles!

Make Room For Miracles!

“Always allow for something GREATER than what you are specifically praying or affirming for.  This creates more space and room in your consciousness, which allows the creativity of Universal...
Engage with The Spirit of Inquiry

Engage with The Spirit of Inquiry

“Do not leap to assumptions or jump to conclusions. You could be wrong! Learn to engage in life from a spirit of inquiry. Ask questions to open conversations that allow you to learn...