Cultivating Silence

Cultivating Silence

There is a difference between being quiet and being in “the silence”. Cultivating silence in your inner life is helped by bringing silence to your outer world. Turn off everything making...
Listen To the Voice Within…

Listen To the Voice Within…

“LISTEN to the still small voice within. It comes as an urge, a nudge, a knowing. It comes as a snatch of a song, a fleeting thought, or a word from a friend. Pay attention. Don’t wait...
Face Your Fears

Face Your Fears

“Do not be afraid of your fear.  Your fear can not actually hurt you!  When you look at your fear, you can see what you need to do or not do, or what you need to learn so you don’t need...
Create Sacred Space Within

Create Sacred Space Within

“The experience of entering your own inner world takes some time if it’s done properly, but once you’ve set up the process, each time you enter, you’ll be welcomed by the same sense of...
Embrace the Divine Feminine Within!

Embrace the Divine Feminine Within!

“The Divine Feminine reminds us that Life is creative and organic.  Learn to inhabit the messy, dark, fertile, interior space– the creative womb within you. Celebrate the...