How do you deal with the challenges of life?
We cannot control all the conditions of our life; we can only choose how we react to them. Learn how to not be so reactive to situations.
Jul 8, 2021 | Relationships, Connection, and Belonging, Short Takes
We cannot control all the conditions of our life; we can only choose how we react to them. Learn how to not be so reactive to situations.
Jul 1, 2021 | Overcoming Fear, Limitation, and Lack, Short Takes
How would your life be different if you trusted Spirits’ intention for you was for the greater Good? How would this change your life?
Jun 18, 2021 | Law of Attraction, Law of Cause and Effect and More, Short Takes
As Rev Karen reads the poem, “The Call”, let the words sink into you, meditate on the Spirit’s highest good for your life and BELIEVE.
Jun 17, 2021 | Overcoming Fear, Limitation, and Lack, Short Takes
Change is deciding we don’t like the color of our house. Transformation happens when we decide to answer a greater call on our lives.
Jun 7, 2021 | Oneness, Unity, and Inclusion, Short Takes
Watch as Rev Karen helps us understand the importance of vision and why the world needs it more now than ever.