Practice Being Love

Practice Being Love

This is the practice of giving grace and compassion to others and to ourselves. To Be Love we engage in disrupting the patterns of judgement and criticism towards others while letting go of the...
So, what is Love?

So, what is Love?

My favorite psychological definition, stripped of any romanticizing, is “A positive regard for another which includes wanting what is best for them.”  The ancient Greeks were smart enough to have 3...
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

May you be blessed intimate love – a love that knows you, sees you, empowers you, refreshes you, and showers you with blessings.  May you be a blessing of intimate love for another – by knowing,...
Seeing with the Eyes of Love

Seeing with the Eyes of Love

Love is when you look into someone’s eyes and suddenly you go all the way inside their soul and you both know it.  Unknown I had to learn to see with the eyes of Love. My father was my...