Nov 14, 2020 | Daily Words
Go into the field of your life today, and harvest the fruit of your labor. Notice what is working. Celebrate what has grown or improved! Appreciate what has come to completion. Pat yourself on the...
Nov 13, 2020 | Daily Words
Focused attention keeps things in your awareness, while focused intention keeps you moving in the direction of the things you actively desire. When Intention and Attention are combined, you have...
Nov 11, 2020 | Daily Words
Trust makes your whole life easier. Trust the process. Trust others to do what they say, and to be who they are. Trust Life to support you. Trust things to go well. Trust yourself! Trust the...
Nov 9, 2020 | Daily Words
Stay focused on your path. Do not allow yourself to be blown about by changes going on around you. Do not allow yourself to be moved from your center. You are in charge of your direction and your...
Nov 8, 2020 | Daily Words
The key to poise and power is “high-involvement, low- attachment.” This means you are totally engaged in the process, without being devastated if things turn out differently than you...