What is the difference between Oneness and Sameness?
Watch as Dr Tracy Brown shares why it is so important to understand why this Oneness does not mean Sameness.
Watch as Dr Tracy Brown shares why it is so important to understand why this Oneness does not mean Sameness.
Dr Tracy Brown helps us to understand why it is important to be true to our authentic self, and why we should let others do the same.
If you have ever come across a grove of Aspen trees you may be thinking that they are all separate trees living near one another. However, if you looked below the surface you would see that they all are one living organism.
Dr Tracy Brown gives us an example of what Oneness looks like using a bouquet of flowers.Just like the metaphor of the flowers we are all unique and special in our own way.
Dr Tracy Brown breaks down this quote by Dominque Jackson, illustrating that although we are all part of the one body of God, we can honor each other’s version of normal.