Every challenge is an opportunity for spiritual growth if we will let it be grist for our spiritual mill. Grist is any grain that was brought to be ground at the mill. Because millers always received a portion of it in payment, they would grind any grain, no matter what it was. Thus they always benefited from whatever was ground. Likewise, every activity, mistake, challenge, or opportunity is grist for our spiritual mill.

With bare attention consume your impurities. – Take whatever comes down the pike. – Everything is grist for the mill. – Not “this” or “that” but “whatever.” – Keep giving up your story line. – All of life is a meditation cushion. It’s all meditation. – You are the fire and fire doesn’t burn itself. Ram Dass

Every moment of our lives, spiritual opportunities abound! Every activity is an opportunity to learn, grow, or practice. Every conversation, every action, every choice is an opportunity to come from our center and bring the Divine into the moment. Ask yourself, “What do my spiritual values, principles, or practices tell me to do right now? How does this further my spiritual growth” This will allow you to grind the grains of your uncertainty and unbelief into the fine flour of faith and understanding.

Spiritual Contemplation: What am I resisting right now that is actually grist for my spiritual mill? How can I bring this idea to my workplace or business? How does this further my spiritual growth?

Affirmation: Everything is grist for my spiritual mill!

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