I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.  Arthur Rubinstein

Stop focusing on what brings you down. For years I used drugs and alcohol to avoid feeling my feelings. But then after getting sober I spent years skirting around depression. One day I realized that I spent an amazing amount of time hashing over everything that wasn’t working in my life. I was constantly having conversations in my head with people who weren’t even in the room, trying to get them to be different or change how they behaved. My mind was filled with criticism and judgment.

Then I had a child! Watching this precious being learn about life, look at the flowers, and gaze at the stars reminded me of the beauty of life. Every time he asked me to play or simply to sit and snuggle on the couch, I moved into a timeless state of wonder and joy that was truly a blessing. The more time I spent loving being with him, the more I began to enjoy other parts of my life as well. Because I was too busy dreaming up fun things for us to do, I didn’t have time to be in that constant state of depression and judgment. My son taught me how to love my life in a whole new way. And I discovered that Life started to love me back in a whole new way as well!

Spiritual Contemplation: Are you loving your life? Notice the places of beauty, the people of kindness, and the opportunities for self-expression in your life. Seek out the pleasant moments and the things that bring you joy. Count the ways you are growing and all the gifts you are giving.

Affirmation: I love my life! My life is filled with Joy, Beauty, Laughter, and Love. I focus on all the good in my Life and see how abundant and blessed I truly am.

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