We cannot let our angels go. We do not see that they only go out, that archangels may come in. Ralph Waldo Emerson
A friend once said to me, “Don’t let your good stand in the way of your great!” What a powerful truth! Often I cling to something I know and settle for that which I have because there’s a little belief back there that says if I let go of this person or relationship that is okay, or even not so great, whatever is on the other side will be worse. Why is that? Why wouldn’t it be better? Why do we think that we won’t have something as good as what we have now?
We live in an abundant, loving, and powerful Universe. As we grow and mature, spiritually deepen and heal, we attract a new life out of our new consciousness. What we attracted before was from the consciousness of what we could accept before. But now as we grow in Spiritual Truth, we expand our consciousness, which will also expand the person, relationship, and love we attract. Clinging to or settling for less simply keeps us from experiencing and expressing the greater Love that we now know we are. Trust that a greater love, more joy, and a fuller, richer life really are waiting on the other side of letting go.
Spiritual Contemplation: Who or what are you clinging to or settling for? What good is standing in the way of your great, in relationships or in life?
Affirmation: I accept my greater good as Spirit flowing into my life. I let go of anything unlike the Love that is Spirit’s presence in my life.