Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. Gloria Steinem
When my son finally moved completely out of the house and I found myself alone, I began dreaming of a place to live, just for me. I loved to imagine some really cool place that was close to everything but still had woods and trees everywhere. I spent time dreaming of a two-story condo that I wanted to call my own.
In the meantime I started looking. I looked for over a year, and just kept being disappointed. At one point I wondered whether my dream was simply not possible. Maybe it’s impossible to find what I was looking for in my sprawling, flat, overbuilt metropolitan city. But each time that I was confronted with this thought of impossibility, I turned around and claimed that nothing is impossible for the Law to manifest. All I needed to do was stay committed to my dream. I truly believed that the I AM that I am would attract to me exactly what I was dreaming. Today I live in a beautiful two-story condo, close to everything, with woods and a creek all to myself right outside my backdoor. Who knew it even existed within six minutes of my workplace? I may simply have dreamed it into existence!
Spiritual Contemplation: Where has “impossible” taken up residence in your life and kept you from dreaming?
Affirmation: Nothing is impossible to the Infinite Power and Presence of Life. That Power and Presence is moving in my life today!