Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it. David Foster Wallace

Surrendering to the Divine sounds like the right choice every time, but it’s extremely hard to trust enough to let go to life. It’s no real surprise that most people fearfully fight their way through the world rather than allowing themselves to be swept up into the Divine embrace. Can you release your prayers, let go to love, and trust perfect unfoldment, or do you keep sticking your nose in the situation to make sure it’s going the route you have mapped out for it? Are you like the camel that sticks his nose under the tent in order to see what’s going on, and in the process pulls the whole thing down? Surrendering to your Higher Power is the definitive sign that you’ve entered a consciousness where you are willing to be fearless and faithful in your trust of Divine Guidance.

Releasing the need to control the outcome opens you to the mystical pulse that can lift you into happenings that defy logic. Releasing your grasp tells life that you’re ready for something more than you already know. Rather than stopping at the end of the road of the known, leave your doubts and denials behind and find the courage to go into the wilderness, embrace the mysterious, welcome the unknown, and dance in the dark. Your Divine partner is ready to take your hand and guide you beyond whatever abundant good you thought was possible.

Spiritual Contemplation: Where are you having difficulty surrendering to grace leading the way? What good could actually happen if you loosened your grip?

Affirmation: I trust in Divine Guidance to direct my ways.

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