Invest In Our Future!

CSLDallas is Expanding in a Huge Way!

CSLDallas people, programs and services are touching hearts, lifting families, and transforming lives! To be all that we can be and do all that we can do has pushed us beyond the limits of our current location – so we are expanding into an additional 9,000 sg ft, right next door! This expansion gives us a total of 24,000 sq ft and allows us to have room for all our enhanced programs, serve more people, and make a greater difference in the world. Watch our video below to hear the highlights of our plans.

CLICK HERE to see our special video by Dr Petra and Rev Karen sharing the vision

Then pick the ways YOU want to donate and be part of the expansion of CSLDallas. As we invest in our future today,WelcomeCSLDallas we are shaping our tomorrows together. You can make all the difference by investing in the future of CSLDallas! GIVE generously!

CLICK HERE to make a donation (Choose “Building Expansion Fund” from Give to… drop down)

CLICK HERE to buy and dedicate new Sanctuary Chair(s) (1st item listed in Gift Registry)

CLICK HERE to buy items listed in our CSLDallas Gift Registry

CLICK HERE to get more specific details on our physical expansion

It’s not just about the space – it’s actually more about what we can do with the extra room! Take a look:

Overall Growth Opportunities – so as not to increase the intimate size of our Sanctuary, we are focusing on additional Services/Celebrations along with an increased online presence, Online Education, and a Young Adult Program

Expand Our Kids & Teens Programs increase our parent involvement, along with finding ways to support the Homeschooling Community. In addition we are diligently working on our CSLDallas K-12 SchoolYFM

Grow Education for Adults – through Spiritual Leadership Training, Deepening Retreats, provide a top-notch Ministerial Program, and develop a Dallas-wide Spiritual Fun-Ed Program

Live Our Global Vision – expand Community Service while creating DFW Community Partnerships and grow our Diversity Initiative in Dallas. Also, extend Pastoral Care with greater consistency to our own community members

Make a Difference by making a splash in Dallas – host a Science and Spirituality Symposium in Dallas and a TEDx on Practical Spirituality. Support alternative and like-minded non-profits, entrepreneurs and businesses and incubate the next generation of leaders to change the world

Share Our Spacebe a hang-out place for our own community and provide reduced rental rates for like-minded and spiritual communities and meet-ups/groups

Here’s what all this takes in addition to the extra space

Significant outreach so that people know we are here – into DFW beyond the New Thought Community using traditional PR and Advertising, enhanced social media, a presence at like-minded DFW events and continually maintaining and upgrading our website

Recruit and retain exceptionally skilled, competent staff  in additional ministerial, administration and program positions who also want to invest in their long-term future with us

CLICK HERE to learn about our Vision!

Commemorative Mosaic 

Each and every person who donates money or time to our expansion this year will become a part of our commemorative mosaic.  Each person’s picture will become part of a Science of Mind teaching Symbol, prominently displayed at CSLDallas. It will be fun finding all our pictures and see what we have created and become together!