“All is Infinite Being, and all is eternally becoming. Infinite Being is Infinite Knowingness; as the result of this Infinite Knowingness, there is an Infinite Becomingness or Creation.“ Ernest Holmes

Our human experience is unfolding toward our great yet-to-be. We are part of the process. This is the doing part of life, or as Holmes states, the “Infinite Becoming.”  Becoming is the state in which we allow life to unfold, receive guidance, and follow it, even when we aren’t sure or are afraid. Our doing is moving us in the world differently, aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with our being.

We are doing what is called for from being when we are receptive to guidance. We allow things to be drawn to us while at the same time allowing ourselves to be drawn towards the outcome, This is how we learn and grow. We are becoming who we are meant to be and co-creating a meaningful, joy-filled life. The only problem? It inevitably requires change.

We generally seem to resist change, even that which is better for us. We also appear to resist being what we really are. We need to learn carefully and surely to permit ourselves to accept the fuller expression of the Mind that is within us. Against this, there must be no resistance. For in Its creative flow through us rests our entire future — the greater person we may be and the richer life we desire to enjoy.  When we establish within our thoughts a nonresistance to that Power that is greater than we are, we are at the same time accepting within ourselves a stability that is the stability of the universe. We find ourselves secure, for we know that we are part of That which causes change but is never affected by any of the changes. Ernest Holmes

Being and Doing is a paradox we learn to navigate by living in their complementary nature.  Let’s Dance!