Error is acceptable as long as we are young; but one must not drag it along into old age. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

If you were to look at your life from a detached observer’s perspective, would you find that what you’ve thought was acceptable isn’t really acceptable at all? Have you been putting up with something that depletes rather than enhances? Sometimes a situation is like a leaky faucet whose slow drip gains momentum without your noticing it until a friend asks why you can’t turn it off. Or like those gasoline prices that sneak up, up, up until they hit an unacceptable plateau.

Is your abundant flow where you would like it? Is your relationship juicy and passionate, filled with mutual support and intimacy, or could it use a bit more attention? Have you given up caring and turned off your desire for a richer experience, and just accepted that this is the way it is? No, that’s not the way it is—it’s the way you are. You may want things to be different on the outside, but not until you’re different on the inside will the outside change. Your internal dialogue that’s looping in your subjective keeps you willing to accept mediocrity. Bring awareness to what‘s no longer acceptable and enhance your inner dialogue by knowing you are worthy and anointed. The time is now. But caution—do this only if you want to enjoy your life more.

Spiritual practice: Take some quiet time to observe your life from a detached observer’s perspective and notice where your life is working well. Now, notice where you accepted things that aren’t working as well as your heart would desire because you believed that was just the way they were going to show up in your life. Cancel that level of acceptance and upgrade your creation story.

Affirmation: I am loving all areas of my life!

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