“Everything that exists in our experience today is in the nature of an effect. By accepting these effects as things in themselves, we tend to perpetuate them, and unconsciously to create new effects which logically flow out of present circumstances. Therefore, we must daily practice a conscious approach to Absolute Cause. This is done by deliberately turning away from every appearance and definitely realizing that we are dealing with a Power which is absolutely unlimited.” Ernest Holmes
Today I know that this unlimited Power is working for Good in my life and in the Life of EVERY person. I turn away from the limited belief that there isn’t enough for everyone to prosper, that there aren’t enough resources for us to care for our planet, or that we can’t imagine how to create peace and well-being for all. I turn away from the limited belief that some people are stronger, more powerful or more important than others, for I know we are all part of the ONE Divine Presence. I release any belief that poverty, war, discrimination, or limitation is the truth for anyone, anywhere. I turn my attention to the Absolute Cause of Love, Harmony, Abundance, Wholeness, and Peace as the Truth for all people, everywhere. I accept it and expect it to manifest, in our world, nation, community, and family, today!