GOLDEN, Co – The release of the Better Care Reconciliation Act this week is leading Centers for Spiritual Living to stand with the American people for their inalienable right to pursue Life – which includes by its very nature the opportunity to accessible and affordable healthcare.
Centers for Spiritual Living shares the practice of the Golden Rule with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Humanists, Atheists and many others, which provides a fundamental value that other people should be treated the same way that we ourselves want to be treated. This value is also fundamental to the American Dream, where all have the opportunity to create a productive and prosperous life.
Clearly the access to affordable health care is an underpinning to achieving the American Dream but more importantly it is a commitment to living our spiritual values in a constructive and inclusive manner.
“Access to a healthy life is the right to all and the economic health of any country rests upon this right,” said Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon, Spiritual Leader of Centers for Spiritual Living, noting that the right to “life” is listed alongside happiness in the Declaration of Independence.
The comment came in reaction to the Senate’s release on June 22, of its 142-page Better Care Reconciliation Act.
“It is in the best interest of all to create a health care system that ensures that all U.S. citizens have access, and will not be financially devastated in the process,” Gordon continued in acknowledgment of the excessive number of bankruptcies and crowd-funding campaigns due to uninsured health care bills.
It is the Centers for Spiritual Living firmly held belief that since we would not want to see this for ourselves, accessible and affordable health care for all is clearly the right and spiritually appropriate thing to do.
“It is a basic spiritual principle that we are to do what we can to alleviate the suffering of others,” Gordon said. “When an illness leads to bankruptcy – or desperate GoFundMe campaigns – entire families and communities are adversely affected. Together, citizens of the United States could support a system where everyone who needs health care has access without the threat of financial ruin.”
Gordon states, while calling on all Center for Spiritual Living communities nationwide to engage in peaceful activities to affect positive change, and to partner with other spiritually-motivated groups who seek to live the Golden Rule through the US healthcare system.
To abandon those who are most in need is to demonstrate that we do not actually understand or practice our own religious and spiritual beliefs nor do we govern on our deepest spiritual values. Centers for Spiritual Living calls on all elected officials to address health care in the US from a true inclusive, compassionate expression of their religious and spiritual values.
Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon